Help! Chick hatched with egg yolk!


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Kiowa, CO
help! Our little chick hatched with its Egg Yolk attached and now she looks like this? Is this her intestines as well? Is there anything I can do?

sorry to say this, but that does not look normal, or like the egg yolk. The abdomen should look like it's swollen with a gumball --because the chick has absorbed the egg yolk into it. Whenever I've seen a partially hatched chick with the egg yolk on the outside, the egg yolk looks like an egg yolk. The chick sits in the eggshell for another half day or so and finishes absorbing the yolk and then finishes hatching.

is this little fellow drying off and showing signs of energy?
No, not drying off well. He's crawled all over the other eggs and made it to the other side, but not walking around any more. Just lying down and breathing hard.
Yes and no. She already pipped and zipped, membrane was broke for over 24 hours. Membrane was drying up and she was positioned upside down. Recipe for this not so very pretty hatchling.

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