HELP!!! Chicken with bluish comb, puffed up, no appetite, and losing her balance.

Chicken Chiquita

Animal obsessed :)
Feb 11, 2020
So my chicken has been acting unwell the past few days, and today when I let them out she was worse than ever; she has a bluish comb, and walks puffed up, with her wings spread across her sides, and she seems to lose her balance sometimes, tipping over and than righting herself with her wings, she also has no appetite at all. I don't think she's eggbound and I checked to feel if there was a lump between her legs, and there wasn't. Also her vent area is all clean too. Please help me!!! Thank you for taking your time to read this, if you have any ideas or suggestions Please Tell Me!!!
How old is she? Many of the high production hens like her may eventually die of a reproductive disorder such as egg yolk peritonitis or salpingitis. If you can get Poultry NutriDrench or SaveAChick eelctrolytes, I would give her some. The PND can be given orally a few deops at a time. I would try to make her comfortable, offer her water with electrolytes and vitamins for a few days, and try to get her to eat. Scrambled egg bits or tuna are usually well liked.

Do you know if she has been laying eggs recently? Some signs of egg disorders are walking slowly, or waddling, tail held down instead of up, runny poops, and they may stay off to themselves.
How old is she? Many of the high production hens like her may eventually die of a reproductive disorder such as egg yolk peritonitis or salpingitis. If you can get Poultry NutriDrench or SaveAChick eelctrolytes, I would give her some. The PND can be given orally a few deops at a time. I would try to make her comfortable, offer her water with electrolytes and vitamins for a few days, and try to get her to eat. Scrambled egg bits or tuna are usually well liked.

Do you know if she has been laying eggs recently? Some signs of egg disorders are walking slowly, or waddling, tail held down instead of up, runny poops, and they may stay off to themselves.
Thank you so much!!!!! I went out today, and she won't move from the roosting pole, or eat, her poop is white and runny, and she looks in pain, also her tail is down. She is two, maybe three yrs old. Where can I get PND or SaveAChick eelctrolytes???
You can get those at Tractor Supply or most feed stores and online. You may substitute Gatorade, Pedialyte, or 1/4 tsp of sugar in a cup of water for electrolytes temporarily. I would get her off the roost, and bring her into a dog crate or basket. Hold the cup or water up to her beak. My sick chickens will sometimes eat froma small cereal bowl and I will add water ro chicken feed to get more water into them. If she does not feel better and seems to be suffering, it might be time to put her down. These illnesses are fairly common in chickens over 2-3 years.
Some may treat with an antibiotic for a week. FishMox amoxicillin is sometimes found in feed or pet stores. Dosage is 250 mg twice a day given orally for 7 days.
Thanks! I will separate her and than try to get some stuff for her from the store if I can (we are supposed to stay in our houses as much as possible, and a lot of stores are closed.)
So JSYK, she passed last night/this morning. Not sure what she had, the same exact thing happened to my other Golden Sex-Link. Thanks for your guys's help!

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