Help! Chickens have respitory infection!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 13, 2013
Hi I need help! My chickens have a respitory infection where they cough and sneeze and their breathe smells bad. What can I use to treat it and where do I get the medicine?
what kind of a cough is it? is it like just one chirpy type?
do they shake thier head? is thier mouth open? watery eyes?
new chickens in flock?
sorry so many questions, im learning too.
Have you added any new birds recently? With the foul odor, it's possible that they have coryza, which sometimes is complicated by other diseases such as infectious bronchitis or MG. I would separate the sick chickens as far away as possible. Tylan 50 injectable, given orally or as a shot--1 ml daily for 5 days-- can be used to treat secondary infections or MG, and I would use Sulfadimethoxine or Sulmet in their water to treat for possible coryza. One cannot tell exactly what respiratory disease you are treating without testing by a local department of agriculture agent or the state vet if a necropsy is performed. Read this link about common respiratory diseases for more info:

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