Help chicks are dropping like flies..


Jun 1, 2016
Ordered some isa browns from town hatchery. They are dropping like flies their heads start to hang to the side then they start to sit on their belly and flop dead.. what could be wrong?
I'm not an ER expert, but pending advice from our experienced members, you may wish to try adding vitamin supplements / electrolytes to their water to try and give them a boost (even adding honey to their water will help a little).

Hope that the ER members can help out, but being a Sunday, you may have to wait a short while.

I would also call the hatchery and ask for their advice.

Good luck
Have already done that no help.. I'm thinking a disease or something they caught during shipping maybe.. they were shipped from Michigan
Shame its not helped. Maybe someone can shed some light on what it could be during the course of the day.
You may have a contagious illness in your flock that one of them picked up on the trip. Quarantine the ones that seem "ill" to you, & take away the dead ones ASAP. Look into symptoms the chickens depict, and do some research so you can treat them.
Also, my advice would be to, next time, purchase chicks from a local hatchery or a friend. I buy my from Tractor Supply and a friend, and have never had any illnesses in my flock.
Hope they do better, hope this helps!

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