HELP!! Chicks are pecking just one chick


In the Brooder
Aug 29, 2019
Please help, this is my first go around with chickens and I couldn’t love these babies more. But 2 of my chicks, one Barred Rock and one Black Sex link is pecking at my Rhode Island White. They are about 6 weeks old, I’ve been giving them starter feed, has 18% protein, I give them hard boiled eggs here and there, I’ve put salt in their water to help with any other deficiency. I don’t know why they keep picking on her, and she is so sweet too, she’s very docile, she doesn’t even peck back, she just gets up and moves and they just keep getting back at her. The free range throughout the day so I know they have a lot of room. I just don’t know what else to do.
Please help, this is my first go around with chickens and I couldn’t love these babies more. But 2 of my chicks, one Barred Rock and one Black Sex link is pecking at my Rhode Island White. They are about 6 weeks old, I’ve been giving them starter feed, has 18% protein, I give them hard boiled eggs here and there, I’ve put salt in their water to help with any other deficiency. I don’t know why they keep picking on her, and she is so sweet too, she’s very docile, she doesn’t even peck back, she just gets up and moves and they just keep getting back at her. The free range throughout the day so I know they have a lot of room. I just don’t know what else to do.
Chickens will peck out of boredom if their coop is small. They could be just establishing their pecking order since they are so young. Chickens will often gang up on a bird that is sick though. Does she seem ill? Are they drawing blood? Also...why salt in the water? Ive never heard of that. I put ACV in mine and occasionally vitamins. Not saying its wrong, I've just never heard of anyone doing that
Put even card board leaned up or something the other can hide under. give he more hiding places the Rhode Island whit4s are more docile like the buff orpintones while the other 2 can be aggressive depending on their breeding.

Salt is not good for chickens, you should either be giving save a chick for electrolyes in water or baby vitamins like poli-vi sol without iron,
I’ve read that a teaspoon of unrefined salt can stop pecking by 90%, but I only do it one day out of the week. And I usually end up dumping some of it out because they get the water so dirty with shavings. She does have a couple of places to hide but the Barred Rock always finds her and pecks her. They do end up drawing blood, they also eat the feathers. She doesn’t seem ill, she’s definitely the biggest one out of all of them so I don’t understand why they pick on her. Right, Big Mama (RIW) is at my father in laws because her bum and sides were so bare by the other 2 chicks pecking her so bad and defeathering her.
I’ve read that a teaspoon of unrefined salt can stop pecking by 90%, but I only do it one day out of the week. And I usually end up dumping some of it out because they get the water so dirty with shavings. She does have a couple of places to hide but the Barred Rock always finds her and pecks her. They do end up drawing blood, they also eat the feathers. She doesn’t seem ill, she’s definitely the biggest one out of all of them so I don’t understand why they pick on her. Right, Big Mama (RIW) is at my father in laws because her bum and sides were so bare by the other 2 chicks pecking her so bad and defeathering her.
Pecking and feather eating usually mean they aren't getting enough protein, might suggest more than 1 feeding station or put the other chick being picked on so bad in isolation in the house while she heals up
What?! No. Not true. At all. :lau Cease and desist the salt. I dont know where you read that but the writer must be beyond help. :idunnoPecking is a behavior and not something you can wish away with herbs and potions :rolleyes:
So what would you recommend I do? I took my RIW to my father in laws house, but I hate having her away from the flock. Do I wait until she is healed then reintroduce back? Should I take the two messing with her into a different area? I’m not sure how much longer I can take the stress of them messing with her. I even tried the anti peck lotion from tractor supply co. And that still didn’t work, they just started pecking at a new spot on her. I’m not sure what else I can do for their boredom, the backyard is at their disposal so room isn’t the issue. I put out treats like mealworms all around for them to get and peck at. At night she’s by herself in the coop while the others perch in a different area in the coop.
So what would you recommend I do? I took my RIW to my father in laws house, but I hate having her away from the flock. Do I wait until she is healed then reintroduce back? Should I take the two messing with her into a different area? I’m not sure how much longer I can take the stress of them messing with her. I even tried the anti peck lotion from tractor supply co. And that still didn’t work, they just started pecking at a new spot on her. I’m not sure what else I can do for their boredom, the backyard is at their disposal so room isn’t the issue. I put out treats like mealworms all around for them to get and peck at. At night she’s by herself in the coop while the others perch in a different area in the coop.
Chickens dont normally attack free range other than normal pecking order. How big is your coop? Now that she is seperate observe any possible signs of illness. Is she molting badly and they are not? They could mistake that for her being sick.
What exactly does your set up look like? Photos would help. Even if they're free ranging it might not be enough if there's nothing for them to do in the area, or if the overall area is small.
From every thing I have read, quality chick starter should have 24% protein or higher. Super Biddy by HMC is 28%. If these chicks are only getting 18% (laying protein ration?) that would explain the father eating. It might also contribute to the aggression if it's more than just jousting for higher pecking order rank.
If by some chance you are feeding them laying feed I would recommend changing to a chick starter. Laying feed is meant for girls that are already laying so their egg production does not drain the calcium from their bones. It takes a lot of calcium to make a strong egg shell, if they can't get it from their food when laying, it will come from their bodies.
Good luck!

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