Help: Chicks PECKING on 1 chick :(


6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
This is my 1st time raising baby chicks and have research it for over a year before beginning. I have 8 (3 week old) chicks (Black Aust. RIR and Lavander Orp), i noticed yesterday that one of my Lavander Orpingtons was getting "pecked" on. They keep pecking her in the same spot (on the fluff under her R eye). She just lets them do it. I thought she might have something on her, so i used a washcloth and wiped it and that didn't stop them. (She *i don't know for sure if she is a female, but is the baby chick that my daughter holds a lot), could this be a reason they are pecking her?
*no, bald spot or broken skin yet*

Thank you for any help and advice.
I have noticed that behavior sometimes with chicks. They can be attracted to the shiny eye, or maybe the coloring of the fuzz around the eye. Usually they will stop.

Try adding a thing called "Baby Cakes" to the brooder. It's a treat that you can hang in the brooder and the chicks love to peck it and eat it. It's good for them too. This might just curb their urge to peck eachother, by giving them a distraction.

Hope this helps!


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