help chocolate pudding??!!


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Some of my chicks have droppings that look like thick drak chocolate pudding!! they have had it scenc last night and its still there this moring. they all seem fine. what is it? what should i do?
they have nothing to eat but their start and grow feed and water
should i start giving them other things to eat?
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Do a search on this site for "splort" and see if this fits your situation. A couple of times a day chickens have cecal droppings, some days more than others depending on their diet. Hope this helps.
* Nope, don't think so-- far as I know crumbles is all they're supposed to get. Any chance their food got wet, or their water got dirty?? (Sorry, been dbling alot lately--- darn. )
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i have to change their water a couple times a day b/c they get feed it and sometimes the poop in it.

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