Help day 21! Still alive no pips!

do you have a calibrated thermometer? did you salt test your hygrometer for accuracy? have you successfully incubated in this incubator before? i always allow up to 5 days past hatch date or 48 hours after first hatch before calling it. your temp could be low or your incubator could have cold spots.

This is the first time trying in an incubator. I have my own quails and thought i would try. So i guess im still learning, the incubator doesnt show humidty, its just a small 6 egg one. And im thinking that perhaps it might be dodgy, because i have tried 12 eggs in it so far and nothing
No :( i even chirped at them mum might and got nothing. I will let you know if i can see any internal pipping tonight when it is dark. By the way, when you hold the egg up to your ear to listen for cheeping is it quite loud or do you really have to concentrate to hear because i cant hear anything either
It depends. It starts out quiet but then it gets loud when they get excited
@GlitterGremlin , I think you should go ahead and make a hole in the air cell very carefully. Look in, see if there is any movement. Don't make it too big. Post pics of it. Then, make noise to it and look in with a flashlight. If nothing make it a little bigger. (You can use a sterile pin or needle for this. If nothing go ahead and slowly open it until you get your answer. You should have SOMETHING by now. I think they would at least be eternally pipped. Keep me updated. Fingers crossed for you 🤞
I have made the hole, its only small so i cant get a good photo. I can see feathers but no movement. I havent opened fully yet. (I have a baby to tend too at the moment) But i intend to soon and will post pics of what i find.

I have another to put a hole in aswell, if i do this and it is alive do i put it back with hole in? I dont open it if it is alive?

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