HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

Tell me if you can see this link?

This was the VERY FIRST CHICK I hatched. I helped it out. It was the only one to make it to lock down. And it grew up to be a healthy happy barred rock boy.

These chicks were hatched out two days ago. Two of the blacks and the little blue all had to be helped.

You have to stay calm and let it progress.

There are good and bad stories everywhere. It wasn't terribly helpful, but sometimes it doesn't go well. I tell you this, your pic has way less blood loss than the other person's pic. That is important to remember.
whew, so theres a good chance it survival?

adorable barred rock btw!

oh hey, one more thing, by the pics i gave you, can you tell if the chick is white/reddish or black? i want to know what rooster it came from (i have 2, a red mix and i had a black sumatra, the sumatra died by dog attack after the egg was in the bator for about a week, so i'm hopeing its from my sumatra)
it will get enough heat. The paper towel will heat up to the temp of the incubator IF YOU STOP OPENING IT!!!!
let the temp of the incubator get back and stay at normal range. The more you open it, the harder it will be to stay warm

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