Help dog attack


5 Years
Sep 15, 2014
Adkins, Texas
My hen was attacked by my dog and I need help to try and get her better or save her. It looks like only skin torn away and one hole. What can I do? I can't believe the rotten luck I'm having my poor babies

What can I put on it to clean it and make it start healing

I'm so scared for her. I rinsed it off with warm water no bleeing
I have blue cote for any injured critter its an antiscptic spray that you can use to help all around. Check her all over make sure you dont miss a single spot shes hurt. Poor hen! And rotten luck! So sorry :( never use meds w pain med in them, that stuff is extra toxic to the birds. Even Neosp cant be used w pain med in it has to be the non med type.
I cant remmeber the salt solution mixture but as long as she doesnt ingest it shouldnt hurt her badly. Maybe 1 tsp to 1 cup of water? I just poped by to see if you had any help, and no one had reaponded. You can PM me anytime ud like especially for an emergency. If idk then ill do my best to try and find out. A quick search on here provided to me that its very safe but no recomendations :(

Still busy with my hatch, were at 23! And! Im Glad your littles are doing well :) :celebrate :yiipchick
Poor baby! This happened to my white rock pullet. We rinsed the wound with saline solution first. You can buy this or you can make it with uniodized salt and distilled water. To make a sterile saline solution, mix 1/2 teaspoon of uniodized salt with 1 cup of distilled water and boil the solution for at least 15 minutes.
Then, we put triple antibiotic ointment (no painkiller!) and gave her a broad-spectrum antibiotic to prevent the wound from getting infected. Dog bites get infected very easily, so preventing it is important. I kept her inside while it healed, in a shower that we don't use, and if the wound looked dirty I rinsed it with betadine. She healed in a couple weeks just fine without any problems!
I'm so sorry.
If you can get some Veterycin Wound Care, I would recommend that. I like the gel formula so it sticks better to the wound. She is probably in shock, so be sure to keep her warm and give her vitamins and probiotics in her water. Make sure she eats well. If she doesn't want to eat, bribe her with hard-boiled egg yolk mixed with some yogurt. Good luck with her and keep us updated, please.
She's doing good right now. She's in my bathtub in a warn bathroom. I was able to find the spray iodine and she didn't fight or flinch when I sprayed her. She has a separate bowl of food and water, even put crumbles In there so she won't have to work at eating. She's walking around but I'm sure she's sore like we would be. Will have to see how it goes overnight. Glad I'm off work all week to keep her close by inside

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