help dog attacked

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Couldn't agree more! Last year we spent $2000+ dollars on our 10 year old miniature shnauzer and he now has 6 new issues. His health is failing rapidly. :/
Yeah its sad when he was able to work he made good money but not anymore good thing the dog seems to be doing much better he left him here with me for the night so his kid wouldn't have to watch in case it didn't turn out good
what kind of dog is it? its hard to find a good vet that does things for a fair price. I had a tea cup toy poodle (she live with my grandma now) who has cost us $$$$$$$ at the vet. I think she has had lot of surgeries and was born without back knee caps. I mean, we all love
our pets but there is a limit to how much we can spend
Hope the dog is getting better and the wounds are starting to heal. I have had enough fights over the years. The joys of breeding large dogs is sometimes they don't get along. My house is much calmer now that I don't have as many but the experience was enlightening. Hope the information helped.
This is a little mix mut I think its chi wawa and jack Russell I believe he got lucky and will make it got a lot of energy this morning im glad they didn't like the larger dogs they have this and he gave away his English bulldog because it had to go to vet regularly im calling around this morning to see if I can find a vet I can afford to get him checked this is why I just have my few quail there relatively cheap compared to other animals
Glad to hear that it's doing okay.

Those English Bulldogs are known for having "issues".

Thankfully it being a Chihuahua mix and on the small side antibiotics are relatively cheap. Your a good friend to bring it in for them.
Glad to hear that it's doing okay.

Those English Bulldogs are known for having "issues".

Thankfully it being a Chihuahua mix and on the small side antibiotics are relatively cheap. Your a good friend to bring it in for them.

Not just known for having issues...they ALWAYS have issues. I've heard time and time again that English bulldogs can quickly drain you of your money on vet bills. They are just prone to way too many congenital defects, and the way their anatomy is set up, they tend to have a plethora of problems as they age.

It does make me sad that I hear so many people bash vets for high prices. Location definitely makes a difference in price, but you also pay for quality. Its amazing the monetary loss vets take to treat animals for the "high" prices. As you may already know, vet school is an astronomical expense and can sometimes be more than med school. Additionally, the average salary of most clinic vets is extremely low. Some vets have trouble finding a starting salary of more than $50,000. Its just not quite enough to cover loans. Yet people constantly complain about high vet costs when nothing is done to lower tuition of school.

Many procedures vets perform are comparable to human procedures, and look how much those tend to cost! A procedure on a dog may cost $800, but can run $10,000 or more in a human! The profit margin is very, very low in veterinary medicine. A large number of vets live paycheck to paycheck, drive crappy cars, and live in less than desirable housing. There are always exceptions to the rule, but this is more common than not!

I'm going a bit off topic, but I like to shed a bit of light on why vet costs have risen over the years. Care credit has been useful for many clients and is a good option in an emergency. Credit cards can also come in handy. Many vets do not do payment plans because a majority of the time, these plans are never repaid.

Dog or cat insurance is also a great option. There are several companies out there and each offer different benefits and price ranges. I personally like ASPCA Pet Insurance, but there are many that you can compare. Its general a fairly low monthly payment, and many plans cover thousands of dollars in emergencies. It allows pet owners to provide treatment for their animal so they can avoid difficult decisions when the money is not there.

Best of luck with the dog though. Definitely keep an eye out for infection. That will be the biggest issue here.
Couldn't agree more! Last year we spent $2000+ dollars on our 10 year old miniature shnauzer and he now has 6 new issues. His health is failing rapidly.
I had a 17 yo mini schnauzer that we put down 6 years ago. She was pretty dang healthy until the last few years where her eyes went, then she went partially deaf and and then at the very end she had 2 seizures. Sorry to hear about your guy but arnt they just the best dogs? Right now as im typing this at 6 in the morning i have another mini schnauzer who is 4 yo sleeping right next to me.
I agree that it is unfair to say that people are in some way irresponsible if they haven't sufficient resources to have thousands just laying idle in the bank, in case their pet needs a vet. I have dog insurance and I believe it is a very good thing. I still have to pay the first £60 , but after that I have cover for up to £5000 per incident, and that is for £12 a month. It gives me peace of mind. I can see however that for some people, particularly if they have lost their job, or are on lower wages, it seems an expense they just can't afford. Do you have any veterinary charities? We do here, The Blue Cross and the Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals. These are specifically for those on a low income, or unemployed and animals are treated at vastly reduced rates, and often for whatever donation the person can afford. You do have to produce evidence that you are on benefits, but they are the most excellent places to take animals if you genuinely cannot afford vets fees, on a very limited income.
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