help dog attacked

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Ok, so here are a couple stories for you guys. When we first moved to Texas I was about 9 (I am mid 30's now) I found an adorable Siamese kitten and wanted to keep it. My parents were willing and so I brought him home, within days we knew it was epileptic. We called vets, no treatment was offered and they wouldn't euthanize because they were worried about having to sedate him to prevent an employee getting scratched if he seizes while being euthanized. Sounds crazy doesn't it? He was put down by my brother in law in the back yard. Fast forward to a 2 years ago, my sister is a vet tech now at a really high tech vet. My mom has 4 pugs, 1 male and 3 females, all fixed after the original pair had 3 litters. some sick, mean kid walking down the street pokes the male pug in the eye. The pug was behind a 4 foot chain-link fence. It cost $1500 even with my sister's employee discount.

I rescue puppies/kittens in my neighborhood, and since they are foundlings I don't take them to the vet. I de-flea and tick them, clean and bandage wounds, ( I have the cone of shame in 2 sizes), feed them a dog food that I purchase at a feed store (containing real meat and bone, not meat by product) and monitor them for a few days to a week, then find them a home. The kittens go to an cat rescue group that I trap, spay/neuter, and foster for. I do this out of my own pocket. I have re-homed 9 kittens and 3 puppies in the last 1 1/2 years. Unfortunately it's harder for me to find the puppies a home because I am on my own doing it. Because of my bleeding heart, as my husband calls it, I have ended up with a Belgian mix I found beaten and starving on the side of the road, a Siberian husky that a friend found and couldn't keep, another Siberian I rescued from a backyard breeder and who had never known human touch, grass or being dry, a Rottweiler scheduled to be euthanized for having heartworms, arthritis in her left hip and torn CCL ligaments in her right hip, 2 outside cats, a calico and her suspected solid black daughter (both spayed) that came with the property we purchased, 4 her the calico's daughters also now all spayed, and a tiny female kitten I found freezing to death in my tree, also now spayed. We have 2 AKC registered Siberian Huskies, a male female pair. We do have money put aside for emergency vet care, if it is enough I don't know. We already had to rush our outside cat Patches, the mother of all those kittens, to the vet because she was violated by a male cat a month after her spay surgery. She had her girl parts hanging out of her body! Luckily it cost $280 to save her and that was taken from our emergency fund. If another serious injury is sustained by 1 of my pets, and I can't afford it I would not hesitate to either doctor at home or euthanize with a bullet to save it from needless suffering. It's a fine line to walk, money vs health with animals. I feel I am a good responsible owner, other may not agree as I don't have a lot of money. I do a lot of my animals maintenance myself, I clip their nails, bath and groom, shave their pads, give all but rabies vaccine here at home, and doctor minor injures myself. Does this make me irresposible or a bad owner? Trying to save a buck now incase i need it later? What about people like the people down the street, their dogs, are starving, mangy, and very very aggressive (have ripped the front leg off a full grown German Shepard after tearing through fencing to get it, they also killed a weenie dog in its own yard, and a female Siberian/Shepard mix who got loose). When 1 of their dogs gets shot or hit by a car, they leave it do die in agony and just get a new dog somehow. Animal control and the sheriff do nothing, turn a blind eye.

Sorry for the ramble, my point is we may put aside money for a rainy day and discover it isn't enough. Or things come up, I believe the OP said someone got cancer. My mother has brain cancer and I now have to care for her 3 remaining pugs, her parakeets, and her garden as well as my own zoo and garden. At least these people are concerned and are asking for advice to help their dog, so let's stop bashing them or each other and offer advice.

I would clean the wound, apply topical antibiotics, and if possible get the poor dog on some broad spectrum antibiotic like penicillin for 10 days. I would get shavers, like for nose hair trimming and shave around the wound. This will help the wound air out,( preventing bacterial infection from setting in or hampering one that is already started), and will allow you to better see the extend of the damage and monitor it daily. Only keep dressings on the wound for a couple days then keep it uncovered. Apply the topical antibiotic 3 times daily for 3/4 days then 2 times daily till healed. For those who will question why I say to do this, I am a microbiologist who, unfortunately can't work right now because I have metal rods in my spine, minor nerve damage and am I'm extreme pain. VA doctors won't do squat except give me pills and tell me not to call back.
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Your story is uplifting to say the least. I think those animals are lucky that they stumbled into you when they were in desperate need of food, shelter and kindness. I totally agree with all you say, I am also a bit of a sucker for a rescue case. You are indeed a 'Good Samaritan'!
Your story is uplifting to say the least. I think those animals are lucky that they stumbled into you when they were in desperate need of food, shelter and kindness. I totally agree with all you say, I am also a bit of a sucker for a rescue case. You are indeed a 'Good Samaritan'!

Thank you, I do what I can. It's not much when you realize how many dogs/cats need homes, but I hope I am making a difference in my little slice of the world. I just took 3 tomcats in yesterday to be neutered and get shots and have released them this morning. It cost me $20 a cat, thanks to the rescue group. So I am starting a feral cat colony now, as long as they are fixed and dont try to eat my chickens they are welcome. I am still trapping because there are 2 confirmed female cats, 2 more males cats, and 1 unknown gender stray cat out there. I really wish people would stop dumping their animals at the gas station, makes me sooo angry.

Also this past Easter Sunday a neighbor 2 houses down lost everything in a house fire, almost his life too when he tried to charge back into the burning house to save his momma cat and her 3 kittens. The kittens are safe, being treated by my sister and the vet she works at, but we haven't seen the momma yet. I hope to find her and reunite her with her daddy. He is an 86 year old man, and is staying with us while we try and help him contact his sons and figure out what he wants to do now.
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My you really have your hands full! So sorry about your elderly neighbour, how devastating and especially at his age. I wish you the very best of luck in all your enterprises, you are a wonderful example to us all. God bless.
My you really have your hands full! So sorry about your elderly neighbour, how devastating and especially at his age. I wish you the very best of luck in all your enterprises, you are a wonderful example to us all. God bless.

We finally contacted his sons and they came over last night. He will continue to stay with us as we set him up in our little efficiency apartment behind the main house for privacy. Hopefully, now that his sons are involved we can do something to remove the remains of his house and find him a small trailer or something. Still no sign of momma cat, I think she was the cat that bolted out through the flames of the front door when it was opened, 2 of her kittens were found in the dirt just outside the front door and the 3rd was inside the house in the rubble. If she had been trying to save the last kitten and got horribly burnt she may have gone off to die. Such a sad end for such a brave momma cat.
Poor old chap, I hope he has insurance. At least he has the help of his sons now. I am very sorry about the mother cat. I hope she has just been very scared and may still come back looking for her kittens. What a truly horrific thing to happen and to have to deal with the consequences. Sometimes life knocks us sideways doesn't it? I hope with all my heart that things work out for you and your elderly neighbour.
Poor old chap, I hope he has insurance. At least he has the help of his sons now. I am very sorry about the mother cat. I hope she has just been very scared and may still come back looking for her kittens. What a truly horrific thing to happen and to have to deal with the consequences. Sometimes life knocks us sideways doesn't it? I hope with all my heart that things work out for you and your elderly neighbour.

Thank you. It is my hope that the cat is terrified, or since she bolted through flames, has only minor burns and will come back. If I can get my hands on her I can start treatment and get her to the vet ASAP.

My neighbor is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances.
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I have many story's all sad but true that I will tell after school about my dogs. But what I was saying , I know a vet who is just in the business because she can and she wants fast$$. But that's not how it works. Lol. I want yo be s vet because I love animals, and I hate seeing them mistreated. I want to show the animals THERE are people who care for them. I feed cheap ol' Roy from wal-Mart. Never vaccinate. Only dog I do is my 4-h dog. My rabbit got mange, I called the vet, my dad took me and I Payed the $100 vet bill my self. I used some of my college $$. Now he's all better.
Feeding Ol Roy is like feeding your dog candy bars for its meal. It's not good for it. Caring for animals does mean providing a balanced diet. Look at the first ingredients and that should be enough to make you run. Why do you think it's so cheap?
Quick updat for those interested in my 86 year old neighbor who lost his home to fire. We did a yard sale/ donations drive for him this weekend and raise almost $600 for him. We were also able to contact his sons and they are working with my brother -in - law about the remains of the house itself. He is still staying at my place. The 3 kittens rescued from the fire are all alive and well. The mother cat sadly appears to have past away trying to save the last kitten from the flames. (when the fire started all were inside the house. 2 kittens were found right outside the front door and 1 in the debris of the house. When firefighters opened the door a cat bolted through the flames. We think this was momma cat and she got burned and went off to die as no one has seen her). My neighbor is doing as well as can be expected after losing house and beloved pet. He goes back to his property every night with cat food looking for his little girl. it is very sad.
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