I had got a duck from a feed store, her leg hasn't been right and now the toes are stuck together and looks like the flesh is dying what can I do. I don't think she is in pain she walks around reminding me of a pirate.. Poor baby..
Sorry my pictures are blury. I was trying to hold her still.
It's really difficult to see what's happening from these pictures. Perhaps you could have someone else take the photo while you hold the duck still?
Besides a squirmy duck, another problem is that your camera is focusing on the floor, not the duck. Does your camera have a macro option in the menu? (it could be listed as 'close' or 'flowers'...)
I can try for more pictures I'll have my mom help me out with holding her I can normally get better pictures but yeah, still learning how to use the camera. give me like.. Idk 10mins maybe
I think there's a serious infection there. Hold a warm wet compress with Epsom salts water on it for several minutes twice a day, then finish with topical antibiotic. If you have a vet or rehabilitator you can work with, I would look into oral antibiotics right away.
How is the appetite and other behavior? Drinking okay?
Give her poultry vitamins, if you can find them with electrolytes and probiotics, that is even better.
Try putting her against a solid colored background like a towel and zoom out. Then focus on her foot. A picture that is further away but in focus will help a lot more than one that is too close and blurry. They people on this board are great for helping out with duck troubles. Its really hard to see anything but a lump of foot but if there is infection it would be a good idea to get some antibiotics for ducks and give them to her. Infections can be dangerous. Keep trying with the pictures!
I'll try again when it warms up some more in the house. Also. Will her little foot get back to way duck feet are after I get this infection to go away, She seems like a happy duck, she eats and drinks also cute to watch her eat and drink, she just seems scared out of her wits when I let her out of the Brooder anything I can do about that too? I just don't want the poor thing dying on me, I'll try anything, even though I don't have alot of money. Will regular salt help? Not sure if I have Epson Salt, I'm 16 and trying my best with the cute little guy's. Also was wandering, are there any treats I could give them with Niacin in it? We're going to get them a different kind of food later today hopefully, they're eating Chick Starter.
Worms and slugs and bugs have niacin in them, and so do sardines.
If you have chamomile tea (sleepy time tea), make a strong cup (a tablespoon of herb), let it cool to lukewarm, and put that in a shallow dish with a folded up paper towel in it. Get someone to gently hold the duckling, and you hold the bowl just under her foot, and wrap the tea towel around the foot. Try to hold it there (there will be splashing, expect that) for five minutes or so. Even two or three minutes may help.
Hard to say at this point how it will turn out, but many many ducks live happy lives even after a serious injury.
Thank you, I'll ask my mom if she can take me to the pet store to buy some crickets, or to the store for the sardines which wont smell pleasant lol, I hope she'll live we named her Waddles with a bad foot she still runs from me guess I need to get her use to me and her surroundings.