Help finding the right coop

I recommend building your own! With a homemade coop, you have the option to add whatever assets you want/need for your flock. A coop that you buy probably won't have everything you want, and then you will see another coop that has everything that the other one doesn't. You can make your own cute and unique, with everything on your wish list for a coop.
I would love to build my own. Love to!! But I just don’t have the time. I might have some in the summer, I was trying to get ahold of an old friend who has chickens, she got hers built for a reasonable price. I was going to talk to her builder for a quote.
A hoop coop goes up very quickly with just 2 people. OH and no digging required.

Just 2 cattle panels makes approximately 8'x8' with a 6' height. Each additional cattle panel gives approximately 32 more square feet.
Lots of people build them and then put their freestanding coop inside.

I know you need a bigger coop. Just thinking outside the box a bit....... Your little coop could be converted to a solid structure by closing in the run.

Not going into details on that because it gets lengthy.
I always recommend go bigger if possible. I started with 6 birds and now have 19 with 10 more planned for April pickup.
Being in Ohio my flock spends a lot of winter time indoors. I give the option to go out into a run but they refuse. So making sure they have enough space inside for bad weather is always a good idea.
My coop is a building that was on the property but fell into disrepair. I took all the walls and roof off (some of which was already missing) and reskinned the structure.
If you do build your own I highly recommend advantech. It's a subflooring material for houses. Left outside uncovered and untreated it won't show wear for 500 days. I soaked a piece in a bucket for a month and you can't tell. Not cheap but great stuff!
Well once all the snow clears I will definitely look more into it, thanks everyone!!! We have a garden in the back of our yard that’s very big. We wanted to make it into a big walk around run, but the only thing is is that it’s far away from the house and is gonna stink having it back there in the winter!
You can always make chickens tunnels. Some permanent and some not. When its spring and summer and you want them in the garden open the tunnel.

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