Help finding the right coop

I always recommend go bigger if possible. I started with 6 birds and now have 19 with 10 more planned for April pickup.
Being in Ohio my flock spends a lot of winter time indoors. I give the option to go out into a run but they refuse. So making sure they have enough space inside for bad weather is always a good idea.
My coop is a building that was on the property but fell into disrepair. I took all the walls and roof off (some of which was already missing) and reskinned the structure.
If you do build your own I highly recommend advantech. It's a subflooring material for houses. Left outside uncovered and untreated it won't show wear for 500 days. I soaked a piece in a bucket for a month and you can't tell. Not cheap but great stuff!
Can u use it for walls too??
While that is true, most of us here are simply looking out for the welfare of the birds...and the heartbreak of a keeper with miserable and possibly sick birds due to inadequate housing.

Some of us react strongly due to the proliferation of the 'backyard chicken craze' and the manufacturers and advertisers who are touting that inadequate housing, it can be very frustrating to see it happen over and over and over again.

It's too bad that city dwellers do not have the space needed for the animals they want.....but should the humans desires outweigh the animals needs?
Should we cheer lead and blow sunshine when we see a disaster waiting to happen?
I have not got any chickens yet and have been studying for a year about their care. I really appreciate all the knowledge from people who have experience.. I would rather know about the details than be in the dark and find out about my deadly mistakes. It's a responsibility to care for these lives.
Do you have a coop build thread?
No. I bought a house and moved in Sept. Started revamping an existing building to bring the chickens over. That took some time. I did get pictures along the way but winter hit and work stopped. It was in the 30's and I was roofing. I want to put one together when I get it more complete.
No. I bought a house and moved in Sept. Started revamping an existing building to bring the chickens over. That took some time. I did get pictures along the way but winter hit and work stopped. It was in the 30's and I was roofing. I want to put one together when I get it more complete.
Best time to start a build thread is when you start building :D
Best time to do an article after it's all done and has been used for a time(6-12mo).

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