Help Floppy neck Silkie Chick!

I've heard about silkies doing that. And people just make sure they eat and drink til they don't do it anymore. But not floppy, just held there like wry neck.
I make mine the neck support and I every once in awhile I will hold her head in the correct position and rub her neck. I
My hen is on week normally takes 2 to 3 before she rights herself and is good for another year... It takes time. I also will stretch her neck a little til her neck cracks a bit...but I wouldn't advise if you don't know what you are doing.
OK..we are at the end of week 2 here and hubby is starting to give up on her, but if it can take longer I will give her as long as it takes! I love my girl!! Keep our fingers crossed and say a prayer!!
If you can email me I can send some pics. They are on my smart phone and I have no idea how to post them on here.
You don't want the wrap like a neck brace in a car accident... You want it more like a stiff scarf to help avoid the head under body movement.....if that makes any sense.
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i do understand about giving up ,i told you many people advised to girl was paralyzed ,she could not move at all and her head just flopped and spun in horrible circles . and like a miracle one day she was sitting up ,next standing ,and then walking . she has gone from being carried around swaddled in a pillow case to playing in the back yard, she hasn't had a episode in days. except for the fact she now doesn't think shes a chicken any more. follows me every where i go and if i try to leave the back yard she runs after me ,she does not want me to leave her. now what to do ? I'm stuck with a chicken that thinks shes human or i do not know what she thinks she is!!! any way what i am trying to say in a long winded way is if she is holding her own,eating well and drinking plenty of water she deserves a shot.good luck with the brace, and my prayers are with you.

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