Help for the feather eaters


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
We have an issue with feather picking and eating with our flock, We thought the hens were losing feathers do to getting trod on to much by the Roos so we went down to two Roos, and that helped a bit but a lot of our hens are baldy and it isn't getting better. I saw two different hens picking and eating feather today!

They are mostly free range, currently they are getting Dumor layer crumbles and also have a feeder with cracked corn, they also get quite a bit of household scraps and garden stuff, of course grit and oyster shell are provided and I just started putting down some kelp for them. I have spent some time researching feather munching and it seems to often be a protein deficiency.

Any advice on the best way to increase the health of our flock? I was thinking of eliminating the corn, increasing the layer mash and maybe trying a different brand. Maybe try adding a little cat food? higher protein feed for a bit?
I'd definitely eliminate the corn; they tend to look at it as candy. A higher protein feed would be good. Cat food in any quantity can be a bad thing because of the quantity of methionine.

Most chicken feeds have no animal protein and chickens certainly like animal protein; just watch them attack a bug or mouse. I'd suggest a way to add some animal protein to their diet. If you can find a feed with fish meal or similar in it, that would be great. A can of canned mackerel, meat scraps from your table, even some cooked up chicken backs or a roast carcass all work. I believe mealworms are high protein, and chickens seem to love them from what I've read.
In addition to their regular feed & scratch, I regularly give mine cottage cheese or mashed up hard boiled eggs...great sources of protein & they LOVE eating it! I also trap all the Japanese beetles I can get my hands on & feed them that. No feather eating so far! :)

I'm gong to the feedstore tomorrow to see what other options there are for layer mash.
Every time I have seen feather eating it was when the poultry was on a feed that did not contain Animal Proteins the higher protein might help for a wile but I would get some good Animal Protein in there diet.
You can try offering bits of leftover meat, or even some floating pond fish pellets, TSC should have Purina Catfish 32 which contains Porcine Meat Meal and Fish Meal.


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