Help!!! Found my baby rooster lifeless!


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 25, 2013
Ventura County, CA
I don't know what to do! I found my 5 month old roo in the run just now lifeless, neck hung down and everything, he was opening and closing his eyes for a few minutes after I found him then he let out a squack and kicked his feet now he hasn't opened his eyes! He's still warm, how long does it take for them to go cold? And could he still be alive, I can't tell! And if he is still alive is there anything I can do!!! I'm alone crying like a crazy person because he was my baby:(! I need advice please!
Could he have had a heat stroke? It sounds like it may be too late to help him, but if you think it is the heat try cooling him in cool but not cold water to lower his temperature. Has he he had any symptoms of not being well? I hope you can revive him.
He was fine just about an hour ago, and they have access to shade all day long and fresh water, im thinking that he may have eaten a poisonous spider or something:/ It actually was his last breathe because he has started to stiffen now:(..., thank you so much for your response, he was a great little guy and he will never be forgotten RIP Rufio, why does losing a pet have to be this hard?:(....
I don't know what to do! I found my 5 month old roo in the run just now lifeless, neck hung down and everything, he was opening and closing his eyes for a few minutes after I found him then he let out a squack and kicked his feet now he hasn't opened his eyes! He's still warm, how long does it take for them to go cold? And could he still be alive, I can't tell! And if he is still alive is there anything I can do!!! I'm alone crying like a crazy person because he was my baby:(! I need advice please!
I'm so sorry.

We lost our white cochin roo a few weeks ago. Right abut the same age. It's sad.... Sometimes there's a heart defect or something like that. My husband's the one who found our boy Oblio. And I asked my partner to bury him. I couldn't even bring myself to look at his body.
So sorry I lost my boy a few weeks ago and I really loved him. He just couldn't recover after being attacked by another roo. He was my favorite out of 35 chickens.

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