HELP, Full Crop

Farm Ladies

In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
Hi my friends, I'm pretty new with my chickens, I have lots to learn . I have a hen with an impacted crop, it's soft and she lets me massage it up or down . I have put her alone in a large cage with apple cider vinegar water, she is able to release it via her behind, but it fills back up within two days. She eats well, is with other hens and fairly new to the cage.. Not liked by all but better everyday , no more picking, just a chase now and then. She is approx 4 months old. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank You, Joyce
Are you sure its impacted? If shes eating and pooping good and the crop goes down it sounds like to me that shes just eating untill her crop is full, This is normal. All of my chickens eat untill their crops are full and it goes down when they are empty then they fill it back up again lol.
Thank You so much, she is eating well and pooping well.. None of the other's have a big crop but she is a diffrent breed and a very large hen.
I would give her some coconut oil just in case but Id say she is fine. I wish you well with your flock and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!!
Thank You so much, I'm sleeping better now.
Merry Christmas to all my feathered Friends, Happy New Year.. ::))

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