Help Hatching Call Ducks

Yes just make sure the duckling doesn’t aspirate which can happen with liquids that’s why only a few drops at a time to start.
Is it able to drink water on its own?
Puddles didn’t make it. He wasn’t eating by day 5, no matter what I tried. So I took him to an avian vet at Tufts, and they found that he had severe cognitive disabilities due to his genetics. I showed pictures of the other two I lost and their heads weren’t large enough, as with puddles. He would never be able to eat on his own. So, we had him pass over. It was devastating. I wouldn’t suggest the farm where I purchased them from. With my first experience hatching, I only incubated two khakis and successfully hatched one. The other was a late quitter. But with 14 call eggs, three internally pipped, and two died (not looking quite right) and one was confirmed to have genetic issues leading to its need to be humanely euthanized. The vet said they did not believe this was incubation, but egg quality and genetics. He began walking the night before he passed. Thank you all for your advice, support, and encouragement. I have two khakis in the incubator due to hatch in 9 days. I put them in just in case the calls didn’t work out. They’re developing beautifully. But I don’t want to give up on calls, so next year I’ll look for ducklings or eggs, as this year, it looks like there’s none left. My best to all of you! ❤️ This is Puddles’ last photo.


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I am so very sorry about Puddles, he sure was a precious little duckling. Take comfort in knowing you did all you could to help, it just wasn't meant to be. :hugs

But please keep us updated on the KC's in the bator.
There are Call owners on here now whether they ship eggs I don't know but sure is worth talking to them when your ready to try again.
Thank you. I will definitely keep you updated on the KC’s! And I’ll talk to the call duck owners about shipping. I’d try again and I trust people on here. ❤️ Thank you again for all your help. It meant so much to me. I’ll start a new thread for the KCs when it’s time!

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