help have new ducklings with others and chickens


6 Years
May 25, 2013
i have new ducklings that just hatched by mother. i have them in a coop with a outside run with other ducks and chickens. the mother duck and ducklings went out into the outside run. its been very wet and cold and 2 ducklings died. should i pull the ducklings out of that coop and put them under heat lamp or let mom take care of it? im afraid they wont go back in coop for the night and i dont know why the 2 have died. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
i have new ducklings that just hatched by mother. i have them in a coop with a outside run with other ducks and chickens. the mother duck and ducklings went out into the outside run. its been very wet and cold and 2 ducklings died. should i pull the ducklings out of that coop and put them under heat lamp or let mom take care of it? im afraid they wont go back in coop for the night and i dont know why the 2 have died. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
They may have not gotten warmed by mama especially if it's wet and cold out, I would put mom and ducklings together some where were they will be safe and dry. Maybe in a different house or garage where you can set up a space for them with their own food and water? If you had mom and ducklings in with the flock anything could have happened even one of the other ducks or chickens killing them but most likely the wet cold weather. So sorry for you loss, and
My first time hatching ducklings, I used a nice calm broody chicken hen and she is doing a wonderful job snuggling up with them keeping them warm. If they start peeping she starts to hover over them immediately. I'm keeping them in a small dry coop for now until they get a bit bigger. I've never had sucess hatching duck eggs with ducks, (I tried a couple times didn't work)but a good broody chicken hen will take care of anything it seems. I love seeing the ducklings piled under mommy hen! So adorable!
Thanks for your help! the ducklings survived the night and all look healthy and playing. I ended up making a big nest box in the run and put all new hay in it and piled it around it to block any wind. The chickens dont seem to bother with them and havent seen any aggression towards them. hopefully mom takes care of them enough having 13 ducklings between 2 mothers. I have never had a loss yet raising chicks or ducklings indoors with heat lamp. But i didnt want to take them from mom they all seem happy and didnt want to stress them if i didnt have to. Thanks again

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