HELP! Head injury! Does this quail need to be killed?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 24, 2013
I found one of my female coturnix with a large head swelling while cleaning the cage today. She was pecked on the head and had feathers plucked by an aggressive male, but that was weeks ago, and the male is long gone. She was fine a couple days ago. This came out of nowhere, I have no idea what is going on. As far as I can tell she is eating and drinking, not acting lethargic. Does she need to be killed, so as not to suffer? Please let me know ASAP, so I can help her. Thank you!

The mass is hard, not squishy... It appears to be on top of her skull (not inside), her brain hasn't been conpromised as far as I can tell.
Put her in a hosp cage and put triple atibotic on it for a few days. When it is cleared up pretty well put her back in with her group
I have never seen anything like it. She could have boinked her head on the ceiling and that caused swelling. She may have been pecked at, at some point, and the injury got infected. Or it is just some sort of abscess. I wouldn't try to do any cutting or squeezing as unless you are SURE it IS and abscess, as what ever it is could get into the blood stream and kill her. Try the ointment for a while. You could always try some sort of antibiotics in her water. Something that doesn't kill bacteria, but that doesn't allow it to reproduce. Something like Doxycycline.

What I would try is some inflammatory type topical meds. Cortizone cream on it. Or even Preperation H. Prep H is an excellent anti inflammatory and might bring the swelling down some.

Please keep us posted on her healing. I am very curious! :)

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