Help! Help! Help!

Can anyone tell me more about slipped tendons? Is there a way I can examine her to tell if that's it and is it something I can do? I can't find a vet in our town that works with chickens. She doesn't seem to be in any pain but I don't want her to suffer.
I had one of my production girls that fell off the roost and I guess landed funny. SHe couldn't put any weight on the leg. I knew it wasnt neuro b/c when I put my finger under the injured foot her toes would wrap around my finger she would also resist a little so I knew there was still muscle tone. I did not take her to the vet so I don't know the exact diagnosis....perhas somekind of sprain... Anyway, I seperated her from the rest of the flock by putting her in a pet carrier. I doctored her for about six weeks..she only has a slight limp now but is fully functional. I first named her Gimpy but have since named her GIGI..The flock rejected her so she is now in with the silkies and is thriving! I hope that helps and that your girl mends soon...
Thanks 1livelychick. That helps. She does have movement in her leg and foot and does wrap her toes around my finger so does that indicate that it is NOT a slipped tendon?

I had already removed her from the others and she is getting babied in the house. Do you think it would be worth placing her in a sling to help her recover?
I dont really know about a slipped tendon diag. I just know that mereks can be neuro and when they have a non responsive muscle tone that can indicate mereks. I had a friend whose flock was diag. via state so I knew that Gigi wasnt dealing with that. I put her in a pet carrier initially and kept checking on her moving her just so I wouldn't deal with more injuries ie bed sores on a chicken...gave her all kinds of yummies and slowly introduced her to a larger secure area where she wouldnt be bullied. I did not use a sling but I am sure that it wouldn't hurt and would also prevent the pressure related bed sores. Hope that helps! Good luck and keep me posted!
BTW... I am sure you now this but they can get really depressed and fast if they can't at least see their buddies. Gigi could always see her buddies and now has a new set of flock buddies but can still see her old cohorts! Just a thought to share....
That's good to know. I will be sure to move her to a place where she can see them. She only has two other coop mates and to be honest know she would be perfectly safe having them around. When she first began limping the other two chickens began pacing back and forth "checking" on her often and even got a little nippy with me when I'd check on her.
Right now she's been spending most of her "resting time" sleeping on my lap while I massage her other leg and joints. I've also been helping preen as she can't reach some areas very well.

I appreciate all your help and recently posted a new topic entitled "Serious Help Needed" listing all of her symptoms as well as my latest discoveries in hopes it might generate more thoughts. If you have time check it out and see if it leads you to any different ideas.

Thanks for all your help.

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