Help hen badly wounded I mean really bad!!! UPDATE!!

My little EE was attacked by my BR chickens, they tore the skin and muscle off of her head so that her bare skull was showing! They also pulled all the skin off her neck, that was two weeks ago- I cleaned it, separated her, and put neosporin on it daily- she is getting better every day- the skin on her neck is growing back, and the muscle is growing back over her skull. Chickens have a remarkable ability to recover so I am sure your girl will be okay! You are doing all the right things.
I am glad to hear your EE is doing well. I remember reading that post about you poor girl. (What is EE?)
pockets will go back together if hooked to good tissue if that skin still has circulation and blood flow to it. Always make sure clean and no dead tissue under it before sew it. Lots of good water with little salt added to it workds good. I even will bring water to boil on stove let cool and use it to cut down on germs. I read that if antibiotic ointment has pain killer in it bad for chickens. I have never had any experience with that but thought would tell you. To sew a chicken always use white thread or suture thread. The colors can act like poison to chicken. I have even sewed up part of an injury and healed other part open. keep us posted
ok well i might try and sew the pocket back to her???? i really dread this... I cant tell wats bad and whats good. should I wait and see if the pocket re ataches itself to her skin own its own. I coulld tape it tighter to her body... i am going to have to sew this to her meat not her skin cause there is no skin to sew it to... goodness me!
if no skin to sew it to I would let it re attach on it own. If you cannot pull skin up together to sew then it is best to let heal open. If you can sew skin to skin and leave thread tied long with gap and stretched will cut down on healing time. Sometimes just 1 or 2 pulls together makes big difference
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there is no way that i can sew this up... its just to wide... i will try and taper her tighter on that side and keep up with the neosporian best that i can... i guess all there is to do is watch and see!! but time is killing me.

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