Help hen with prolapse and broken egg inside!

Rebascora has made a good point about the "prolapse" seeming a bit low, like it could be flystrike under the vent. Can you have another look to see if the vent is up higher? If that is the vent, and is a prolapse, apply honey or hemorrhoid cream to help reduce swelling, then push the prolapse back inside if possible. Then try to remove any egg shell and any egg material.

If this is flystrike or maggot infestation of a wound, which can be common in summertime when flies swarm around droppings, I would start soaking her bum in warm Epsom salts or soapy water, and try to remove the maggots. Repeat the bath as necessary, then apply some plain Neosporin ointment. It can take a day or two to get all of the maggots out. Flystrike can be deadly. If this has happened days ago, she may have infection and be weak. A vet may help with antibiotics. She needs to eat and drink well, and chopped egg, tuna, or liver can add protein and vitamins. Push the fluids.
It's her vent, there is no other hole there besides her butt I just double checked. I have had previous issues with this hen with some poop building up over her vent and having to catch and clean her bum off but this has never happened before, and it does seem like her vent is a bit lower than the others who are the same breed. She's not stinky back there so maybe it's not as old as I first thought. I also think it's looking lower because it's bulged out and kind of pushed down. When I put a gloved finger in there it felt as though I was pushing against an organ which was soft and pink and I can see small veins on whatever it is. When I apply pressure it moves straight back and once I've pushed on it it's like my finger is inside an egg shell. If I move my finger a little it feels like I'm touching the inside of a broken shell and that I am feeling the shell though the organ. I hope that explains it it's hard to explain. I can push that thing farther but will I also be breaking/ forcing the shell into her as well? I have never had to do this but I can definitely feel that there is a partial egg there and I can't remove it. My guess would be that I would need to push that protrusion back and then either hope it stays there so I can remove the egg or hold it back and then remove the shell. Does that make sense? I really don't know what to do so when I applied pressure I only did so enough to move it maybe half an inch and I stopped because I was worried if I was supposed to do that. I went out to feed this morning and got a better photo of her. I haven't cleaned her yet this morning so it looks dirty but I'm about to clean her and apply some ointment. I have a blue seal locally, and they have a good chicken section so maybe I can go there and see about supplement or something. I hope I have explained this in enough detail for you. I will also post new picture, but it's as it looked this morning from being cleaned last night. I really appreciate your help!! I will do anything I can to save her but I'm pretty sure the vets around here don't do birds and I'm not sure what they would charge me if they did but I'm not working with a whole lot of cash because I just got back from vacation where we went all out, and I also just had to bring a cat to the vet and got a nice bill for that and still he had to be put down. Needless to say this has not been my week!
Here is her backside this morning as it looks now. I haven't cleaned or applied any ointment to her. As you can see it's almost a yellow tinged color and the vent is circular. She still isn't smelling foul and it doesn't appear Any different than it did yesterday. I am going to clean her up this morning but wanted to check what everyone thought before I tamper with her further. I felt so bad yesterday touching her back there she made a whining noise I've never heard a chicken make before, it was awful sad! I really appreciate everyone's help with this!!


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Is the hen discharging any liquid? Is she foul smelling?
I'm not sure what I can get to help her, I'm not sure if your familiar with Blue Seal, or Tractor Supply but that is where I can go for chicken supplies. I'm not sure what they have or what to ask for but I can make it to one of them today and see if I can find something that will help. I'm just not sure what to look for or ask for. I can call the vet and give it a try but I'm thinking they would want to see her and do an exam before they would give me meds for her. What would you suggest I get for her? I think Blue Seal has a lot for chickens but not sure exactly what. Thank you!
Please can you take a close up photo for us to see.
It's her vent, there is no other hole there besides her butt
.... not sure what you mean by this.... Chickens only have one hole, the vent...... eggs and poop all come out of this. There is no other "butt" hole.

Did you look at the thread I linked? A prolapse will have a central hole where the cloaca has been pushed out, so it has effectively partially turned itself inside out.
Your girl looks to have a balloon of gut partially bulging out of a raw looking hole. If she has been laying internally, it is possible for egg to come out of that hole but she is at very serious risk of infection setting in if, this is the case.
A closer photo of her back end would help clarify the situation and help us to help you deal with it.
Please can you take a close up photo for us to see.

.... not sure what you mean by this.... Chickens only have one hole, the vent...... eggs and poop all come out of this. There is no other "butt" hole.

Did you look at the thread I linked? A prolapse will have a central hole where the cloaca has been pushed out, so it has effectively partially turned itself inside out.
Your girl looks to have a balloon of gut partially bulging out of a raw looking hole. If she has been laying internally, it is possible for egg to come out of that hole but she is at very serious risk of infection setting in if, this is the case.
A closer photo of her back end would help clarify the situation and help us to help you deal with it.
Okay then there is a hole there that shouldn't be there. I thought there was a separate hole for the egg to come out!! As I said I'm new to this. So I'm not seeing maggots would that still be the fly strike if there is no maggots?? I'm almost positive this hen has always had two holes there. Like two butt hole things. That is why I thought the egg came from there. So I guess it's very good that I didn't push hard there.

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