Help Hens or Roos


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Our Chicken we have one Red rangers
One Dark brahma and two Cochin bantams
Born July 19 2014. Purchased from a private party.
We can only have four hens where we live
And I need help. New to this site so not sure
How things work yet. I will try to show my pictures
In order the red ranger, brahma and than the
Cochins. The lady I purchased them from did
Her best at picking girlz out for us and I am pretty
Sure she said the brahma was mixed with some
Thing these are the only three birds she had.
So here we go
Ms Maggie our Red Ranger, Ms Dottie our Cochin.
Ms BC our brahma and Ms Peeps our Cochin
Also if I need to get new hens how do I add them
With ours I have read by adding new chickens you
Can bring in mites and perking can occur. Help











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I'm am interested in knowing if this is a hen or rooster (golden comet) 16wks of age. Not sure am even posting this in the right place but saw your thread with the same question.. Redirect if in wrong place or if anyone knows would love to hear.. Merci Beaucoup..

That is a pullet (hen) - golden comets are red sex links meaning the females are red with some degree of white (varies from one bird to the next) and males are white with usually a little red on the wings.
Unfortunately, at less than two months of age (with a hatch date of mid July) - it appears you have at least two cockerels (Maggie and the brahma mix). I am on the fence with the first cochin and think the white cochin is your best shot at a pullet.
Due to the restrictions and distress this seems to be causing you I would suggest considering sex links (easy to tell male/female as newly hatched chickens so no more getting attached and then finding out they are cockerels), purchasing "started pullets" (birds old enough that their gender is clear - these are more expensive, but the cost can be worth the lessened heartache), or ordering from a hatchery and ordering sexed pullets which would cut the risk of the "oops" cockerels down (but not eliminate it completely).

I'm am interested in knowing if this is a hen or rooster (golden comet) 16wks of age. Not sure am even posting this in the right place but saw your thread with the same question.. Redirect if in wrong place or if anyone knows would love to hear.. Merci Beaucoup..
At just 7 weeks old Maggie and BC are both definitely roosters (Red Ranger is a free-range meat breed BTW, he'd mature huge). Pullets wouldn't have red combs so young. Dottie and Peeps both look so far to be pullets.

I myself am very cautious about bringing in mites, worms, diseases, etc. I learned the hard way with my cows. I always either order chicks from a hatchery or hatch eggs from my birds or a friend's flock (99.99% of things aren't transmitted to the egg to the chick, so it's pretty safe). It's too risky bringing in half-grown or adult chickens, IMHO. If you order from a hatchery you can order sexed pullets and they're correct 99% of the time in my experience with Ideal and McMurray. If you really want half-grown or adult chickens, get them from someone you trust with a healthy flock, NEVER from an auction, no matter how cheap they are or healthy they appear.

Star05 - That's definitely a hen. Like Ol Grey Mare said, Golden Comets are Sexlinked.
Maggie and BC are roosters. I'm leaning towards pullet on the other two, though I could be wrong about the first Cochin.

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