HELP! How do you bathe a chick?

Lifesong Farm

9 Years
Nov 14, 2010
Noble County
I have a 6 week old turkey poult that got out and into my flooded barn. He is now covered in ick. How do I go about giving him a bath. Someone mentioned using my cold hose water and just spraying him off. NOT going to do that. He is to young for the cold. Help please.
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Give the chick a bath in the house either in the sink or bathtub with warm water and mild soap. Be sure to blow dry, so your chick doesn't get chilled. Good luck. I've given 2 bath's so far.
Thank you. I used the bathroom sink and puppy shampoo. He freaked about the dryer so I put him in the brooder under the lamp and he is happy as can be now. Since he had the sludge in his eye I also put some ointment in it to prevent infection. Thank you. I have never had to give a bird a bath before and I was worried with this being a baby.

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