HELP! How long can chickens go missing?


12 Years
May 3, 2007
My favorites, Pom Pom and Colonel Mustard have their own "condo" in the big girl coop b/c the others pull their head feather out...they are White Crested Black Polish and very docile. I let everyone out to free range during the day, while I am at work and lock them up at dark, when I get home....I haven't seen these two for 5 days. We live in Ohio, so it's been very cold and then has been warm, but rainy....any chance they are still alive? I'm panicking....I love these two and what are the chances something would have gotten both at the same time? I am just wondering if maybe they are hiding in the woods somewhere? Oh and I can put up pix of them, but don't know how...this site is a little hard to navigate....advice, PLEASE!

This sounds pretty worrisome. 5 days is a long time. A thorough and far reaching search may reveal them somewhere in need of help.

Once when my roo was attacked by a fox (a neighbor saw it happen and broke it up) he "disappeared". I searched and searched the same day, calling his name, my heart in my throat, picturing him laying dead somewhere. Finally, I heard a small sound from deep inside a very dense holly tree. I called him again, and he answered, weakly. My sweet boy was alive and hiding in that tree. I coaxed him out and he let me carry him in my arms back to safety.He needed medical help and TLC to recover but he did recover. Had I not found him, he may well not have made it.

Once, when I had he and another roo, a stray dog attacked him and the other roo would not leave his side - he shielded his friend with his wings splayed over him and did not budge until I found them. It's possible one of yours is hurt and the other won't leave him. This roo also recovered from that brutal dog attack, with medical care and TLC.

I'm hoping yours just have wanderlust and that they are alright. It's such a worry - I feel angst for you.
My son went into the woods to look undersome brush and tried under the shed....nothing, yet! I am loosing hope and very sad. The white crested black Polish are a very nice breed and these two would sleep on their stick head to head (one would be the opposite direction)...I never even got pics of this, as we keep losing my a camcorder for Christmas and was going to start videotaping my insane house for animals...the neighbors call us the "halfway house." Things just show up and I take them in.

Thanks....wish I could say they are back, though!
Tracey - So sorry no sign of them yet. I don't know how far afield your son looked but they can make tracks when they are running frantically from a threat (and then be lost) so I would look far and wide. Each day that goes by is much more worrisome - days ago the odds would have been better but I wouldn't give up hope or looking. I'm sorry - this is such a worry, especially with your weather and food sources scarce

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