Help! Husband brought home chicks and I don't know what they are!

oh I hope not!! yikes! There is a real chance they are though (cornish rocks) One of the other breeds listed was that... Do you really have to kill them? If so, what age??

Yes sadly;they will die of other complications if you don't do it. IF (a big IF) that is what they are, the butcher time window is 6-8 weeks. Wait until they grow a bit before jumping to conclusions. If that is what they are you'll be able to tell. They will grow significantly faster, have a hard time standing up, and have patches of featherless areas around their bodies.
Yes sadly;they will die of other complications if you don't do it. IF (a big IF) that is what they are, the butcher time window is 6-8 weeks. Wait until they grow a bit before jumping to conclusions. If that is what they are you'll be able to tell. They will grow significantly faster, have a hard time standing up, and have patches of featherless areas around their bodies.

CX can be kept alive. They do not have to be butchered. Many people have CX live over a year or two if they are careful about limiting feed and keeping the bird active - putting the water and food far away from each other, free range, etc. That said, I do not believe these chicks are CX.
I am not sure how old these babies are.... but here are some better pics...

I am by NO means an expert. Could they be Buff Orpington's? We just got some almost three weeks ago and they look similar.

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