Help I don’t know what is wrong with my quail.


In the Brooder
Nov 26, 2020
Our quails are 9 days old. One of them is walking backwards until it hits the side of the brooder and doing flips back over. It will walk straight for a bit and then repeat the backwards walking and summersaults. Please help! I dint know what to do.
Our quails are 9 days old. One of them is walking backwards until it hits the side of the brooder and doing flips back over. It will walk straight for a bit and then repeat the backwards walking and summersaults. Please help! I dint know what to do.
I just went to put the recycling outside and noticed it was stuck in its back. Any information helps please.
Two things:
It's not eating well.
It has been injuried.

Had you seen it eating before today?
What exactly are you feeding?
Can you get a few clear pictures of your cage?
Pictures would help, a video would be better. You can take a video and upload it to Youtube and post the link here.

Is it possible that it hit its head? Are any of your other chicks showing symptoms?

What are you feeding it? What is your setup like?
Thank you for the fast response
We are feeding them Game bird starter, amd I’m putting it in the food processor before refill so it’s easier for them to eat.
It has been drinking.
no other chicks are showing symptoms.
my dad only noticed it starting this morning.

I'm guessing injury, especially since none of your other chicks are showing problems. You can see if it gets better or you can cull.

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