HELP! I have a hen that went broody but I have no idea what to do!


7 Years
May 14, 2012
I have 4 hens I bought as tiny chicks last May. Since then, they have become very nice little hens but about 1.5weeks ago, I noticed that one of them would just sit in the nesting box all day! And not do anything else. After some initial search, I figured that she had become broody. But I have no idea what to do. I have tried putting ice under her like some people suggested but she sat on that until her feet were ICE COLD and so I felt bad using that mehod. Also, I have been keeping the coop closed so she cannot get in during the day. l read something about if we do this for a couple of days, she should snap out of it. However, she is still acting the same. And even worse, I think she's rubbing against the ground and bleeding in her chest area from doing that somehow...

So what should I try at this point? (I don't really want to buy a kenel/cage).

And do all chickens become broody? Should I be careful of the others as well? I have 2 easter eggers and 2 buff orphingtons. And it is the buff orphington who started laying the egg first that went broody! She is also the skinniest of the 4 and so I get worred that she sits in the nesting box all day and doesn't seem too interested in eating/drinking/etc.

Any input/tips would be appreciated.
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I understand that you don't want to buy a metal crate, but honestly the quickest and easiest way to break a broody is to sleep her in your garage with a fan gently blowing on her underside (if it's not too cold where you live).
I understand that you don't want to buy a metal crate, but honestly the quickest and easiest way to break a broody is to sleep her in your garage with a fan gently blowing on her underside (if it's not too cold where you live).

Thank you for the input, Keltara. I was thinking the same...that I might have to use this method.

What kind of crate (size/etc) and what kind of fan should be used? Is there an alternative to a crate? Do we need to give her food/water and or nesting material? Or let her sit on the wires? Also, what time in the morning should we let her out and what time in the evening should we put her in? And how long should I expect for her to stop being broody?

It's definitely not really cold anymore where I live. For example, the lowest it will get tonight is about 50deg. That's not considered cold, right?

Perfect temp. No bedding material. Just put her in at bedtime. You don't need to provide food and water, because she'll be only sleeping. Just have the fan on low so it gently blows on her underside. Keep her in the garage. She should be cured over night. Just get a metal crate large enough for her. Maybe one that would fit a small feeder and waterer in case she's stubborn and needs some day time treatment as well.
I've used a milk crate in a pinch. It's a bit too small for extended use if you have a broody who refuses to give up after a night or two in the garage with the fan under her, but if all she does is sleep in it, it's not cruel.

I got my metal dog crate at a garage sale for around $10. They're way too expensive to buy new. Parrot cages work great, too.
Thank you for the input, Keltara and Azygous!

Because we didn't have time to go buy a crate last night, we just removed the nesting box and any other box she could sit she had to sit on the perch and sleep. And this morning, we realized that IT WORKED! She's not broody anymore!!!! We are very happy about this!

Happy Saturday everyone!

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