help!! i have a problem with DE!!

For all we know, that breeder may have been using food grade for awhile and then stumbled upon this stuff and not known the difference..... or they may have been using it for years and the long term effects have not shown up yet. Besides not using this on your own flock, I think you should try to educate that person for their safety and the safety of any other people they sell to.
The real question is why did you buy 200lbs? Unless you have a massive flock, that seems like an excessive amount. I buy about 3lbs twice a year, which is far more than enough to liberally coat the entire main coop (12x16) and secondary coop (5x10), including walls, nest boxes, floors, feeders, waterers, and roosts. Its also enough to give each bird a good coating (14 birds). I usually have some left over. 200lbs would last me over 33 years!
Today 1:10 pm

Bear Foot Farm
True BYC Addict
From: Grifton NC
Registered: 04/01/2008
Posts: 3356
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Re: help!! i have a problem with DE!!

If it doesn't say "Food Grade" or "Amorphous" on the label, it's not safe to use

Why do you *need* it. Chickens did pretty darn well for a few hundred years without DE -- why do we all of a sudden think we need to dust everything with it?

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