HELP! I need a quick FALL costume


12 Years
Jan 23, 2008
I am so perturbed, my sons school sent home a note last week stating that the 30th will be a FALL FESTIVAL and all costumes should be fall themed.
Ive only been making a pirate costume for the last couple weeks. What the heck is a fall themed costume? Scarecrow? Pumpkin? I cant go out and buy a sweat suit to make a costume. Any ideas, I need it done by friday.
That seems awfully short notice for many folks, and essentially requires that he have 2 costumes.

I would probably dress him up as a pirate and paint leaves on his face--he can be the captain of The Autumn.
I thought about that but they cant take weapons....if only I could soft sculpture a deer head in 2 days.......
Ugh ... not sure if this is a knee-jerk right wing reaction against devil worship or a knee-jerk left wing reaction for political correctness ... but how annoying!

Make a sheet toga, corn cob and leaf accessories and send him in as Demeter, greek goddess of the harvest. It's a pagan, gender-bending feista for all!

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