Help! I thought it was a dead egg!


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
I was peeking through the window at the eggs to check on them and one of them looked off so I took it out. It looked like there was some bad coloration so I decided to open it up to check how far it got before dying. I candled it but didn't see any movement.
After I broke some of the shell off, I saw that it was still moving around even though it wasn't moving when I candled it before.

I've put it back into the incubator but is there a chance it will die anyway because of me?

Had it already internally pipped or was the air cell still intact? Did it chirp at you at all?

Was there any blood when you broke the shell, and if so, how much? How much of the shell is gone? Could you possibly post a picture of the egg? It may still have a chance depending on these things, but putting it back in the incubator was the right call.

Had it already internally pipped or was the air cell still intact? Did it chirp at you at all?

Was there any blood when you broke the shell, and if so, how much? How much of the shell is gone? Could you possibly post a picture of the egg? It may still have a chance depending on these things, but putting it back in the incubator was the right call.
Air cell still intact.
It was chirping after I put it back inside the incubator.
No blood at all.
It's still moving around
Air cell still intact.
It was chirping after I put it back inside the incubator.
No blood at all.
It's still moving around
Okay, how much of the shell has been broken off? I’m assuming it was on the air cell end…? I think it has a high chance of survival, but you should probably just leave it in the incubator and hope it hatches as there’s not much else you can do right now.

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