Help identify the mutts


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
Plant City, Florida
The hatch was successful, the mutts are starting to feather out.

The roo is a RIR.
The Hens are:
Buff Orpington
Barred Rock
Black Sex Links

Just want folks opinions of what I might have. All opinions are welcome!

Here are some of the mutts:






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I would bet the yellow chick came out of the Buff Orpington, I don't know much about the others. But, I bet they will be pretty! I have a barnyard mix too.
The RIR over barred rock will give you first generation sex links... but I don't see any of those that I can identify, so your BR probably isn't a mom.

RIR over BSL will be a mutt (maybe those adorable black chicks with the brown/buff faces?) since BSL don't produce sex linked offspring and the result will depend on what the hatchery cross was to produce BSL. Commonly red roo over BR hen.

I have no idea, really. But they're CUTE!!!

Double checked with the owner of the Rooster. Is is actually an Ameraucana.

So what I have is the office spring of one or more of the following:

The roo is a Ameraucana.
The Hens are:
Buff Orpington
Barred Rock
Black Sex Links

That changes things up a bit Huh?


Chicks first day in the sun for an hour.

Still looking for professional or not-so professional opinions.

I know I have at least two BO looking chicks with solid buff primaries coming in. One or two BO gene carrying hens would be nice.

Have another couple with BR feathering starting up. Hope I wind up with a one or two BR hens.

Have another three that are buff looking with off-colored primaries coming in. The might be future food.

Have some blacks with reddish faces also possible future food.

All roos will naturally be future food since Roo roos are a no no in my county.


I would say the yellow came from the Buff Orpington and the blacks came from you black sex link. I just hatched some chickes from a Buff Orpington and a Road Island Red and the are Orange to Orangish Red with a little bit of Black marks but only where the RIR has black marks.

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