We know that the first one is polish the next three are silkies and the last one is EE but have no idea on the rest. I also think that the Splash Silkie, Red Silkie and the first black one are roos. Any thoughts?
Your Polish and Silkies are too young to sex. The one with the bright red comb I would say roo, the last three I would guess pullet although I don't see their age listed anywhere. I have 6-7 week old OEGB Roos with bigger and redder combs.
Thanks for all the great input. Here is all the info I have:
The Silkies are 10 weeks and the rest with the exception of the last one are eight weeks. The very last one that is an EE is six weeks.
We got the Silkies from a local breeder and the EE from a breeding company. All the others were from the local tractor and feed store.
The red and splash are sweet but tend to puff up and bump chests a lot.
I had thought maybe the second to last one was an Old English Game Hen but wasn't sure. She is beautiful as well as sweet and the picture just doesn't do her justice.
I have looked at pictures all over the internet trying to figure this out and have had very little luck.