Help identifying chicks please


9 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Paradise, California
I ordered what was supposed to be Black Copper Marans hatching eggs, but was disappointed in how light the eggs were when I received them. I emailed the seller and told her I had my doubts as to the breed because the eggs were no darker than my own sex-link hens brown eggs. She assured me they were BCM, They started hatching over the weekend and there are 6. 3 look like the pictures I have seen of BCM, but 2 are lighter...almost a blue color and one is dark reddish with striping. The blacks and the 'blues have light fethering along the outer to and leg and the red one has one or two featheres just on the top of the foot. I have posted pictures here. Can anyone help me identify them?



On Ebay...seller goes by "razzle-dazzle_444" and is in Louisiana. I went back and read thru the feedback more thoroughly and apparantly she has shipped the wrong eggs more several times in the past.
Wow! I just stumbled onto this thread. I ordered some eggs from that seller as well. Hatch rate was terrible but I attribute that to the shipping from Louisiana to Kansas. Only hatched a single egg - it was was supposed to be a BCM but it looks nothing like any of yours. And yes, the eggs I received were lighter than some of my brown egg layer's eggs.
Hatch rate was relatively bad for me too...6 out 10 eggs eggs. Three were infertile and the last one has not pipped yet. I am so new at incubating that I would not give her a bad rating for that, but the wrong eggs? Come on now.....if you can't keep track of your birds then don't sell the eggs as a specific breed. I also asked her before ordering if they could be shipped so they would not arrive before a specific day as I would be out of town. She said yes, then shipped them to arrive 2 days earlier becasue3 she was "GOING OUT OF TOWN". They sat on my front porch for 2 days before I got home, then replied that she has never had them forgot to CA that fast before. What she really meant was after she had my money she shipped them at her convienience, not per the agreement.
Thanks, Juliechick! I appreciate the input. I was thinking maybe blue copper marans too....but don't know what other breeds the seller raises. SHe has not respomnded to my email to her. I wouldn't mind Blue Coppers, but have enough red chickens. I'm just frustrated with the seller for listing specific breeds and not keeping them separate. :barnie Or at least having a reliable way of knowing what she is selling.
I don't mind not having 100% hatch...that happens even with broody hen incubation. But I should get the breeds promised. And when I, as a rank amateur, can tell by the egg color that there may be a problem, she certainly should have. Oh well...water under the bridge......I will just leave her appropriate feedback.

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