Help identifying duckling breeds


7 Years
Mar 25, 2017
Hey! So I couldn't resist picking up four ducklings from TSC yesterday. This is my first experience with ducks - I've only ever had chickens (in fact I gave the ducklings to my Silkie to raise - she just hatched some chicks, so I just snuck the ducklings in with them lol.) But I'm wondering if anyone could help figure out what breeds these guys are.

I'm assuming the yellow one is a Pekin, though of course I could very well be wrong lol.
The yellow crested is likely a crested Pekin. The two in the bottom pic that stand up tall, if this is how they usually stand (I know curious ducks of all sorts tend to stand tall for photos) are runners, likely one chocolate colored and one fawn/white colored. The one with the eyeliner is either a rouen or a mallard and I always get confused which is which ;)
Thank you all! I appreciate the responses. I did a little bit of research before posting and apparently guessed correctly on all of them - the one I was questioning the most was the little black and yellow, I couldn't tell if it was a Mallard or a Rouen. As far as the two standing straight up in the last picture, I believe that's how they always stand. I'm definitely hoping they're Runners! I really want duck eggs and from what I've read it seems like they're great for egg production.

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