Help identifying shelter chic?


16 Years
Dec 24, 2007
Northern California
I went to the local animal shelter today and adopted a really cute chicken.

They also had three of these chickens. Can't identify the breed or gender.

Can you help?

Geri in Northern California

I would say a game cross and a rooster.. If you have any other roosters running with him youll find out if he is a game rooster or not...

Thanks everyone.

First to qualm any fears, no, I did not bring these chickens home.

Several reasons--but the big one was regarding if they were Roo's.

I did bring the little white one. She has some black feathers here and there.

AND, she is quarantined for now. She is in a temporary seperate pen. She can see and hear the rest of the flock, but not interact with them.

I have this set up for when I have baby chicks etc.

I have a smaller coop off to the side of the chicken yard, and one of those foldable three foot high plastic fencing.

I tie poultry netting over the top. With babies, they stay inside the little coop until old enough to wander into the fenced off yard,

Again, they can see and hear the other chickens, but they are seperated by the fence and can not get close enough to "mixed fluids" as they say.

So, I'll pass your good information on.

I've taken to adopting chickens these days instead of getting new baby chicks.

People who have lost their homes and had chickens are surrendering them to the shelters.

My little white one, Maybell, was found on a street corner. Of course the name of the street was "Maybell Ave."

She is about three months and very, very sweet.
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