Help identifying this Ameraucana vocalization?


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2016
San Juan Island, WA
I'm brand new to having chickens, we've only had our 5 Ameraucanas (rescued) for about a month now. In the mornings, right after I let them out, Chickpea (the one in the video) does this vocalization really loudly. The other ones do it a little bit, but not as often and not nearly as loud. I'm hoping it's just a "give me my morning scratch, RIGHT NOW!" and nothing bad.

Any help identifying what this means would be greatly appreciated, thank you! :)

Note: the sound I'm asking about starts 15 seconds in, not the ones she's making at the very beginning.

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I agree that's just normal chicken sound. Kind of like "Morning, is everything the same? Anything different....nope, not so much. Okay, on with the day.....".

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