Hi! I’m new here I was just wondering if anyone could help identify this baby chick. It’s my freebie from Murray McMurray. He has the cutest little fuzzy feet.
Thank you!
Does it have a peacomb (flat)? He looks like a dark Brahma to me. If he has a straight comb, he might be a cochin. Langshans and Faverolles also have fluffy feet, but langshans are supposed to be lightly feathered and Faverolles have muffs and five toes.
That way of standing,strong legs,feathers on legs shows most of the indication of a Brahma. And its stripes and dark colours shows as it would dark in colour.
Not a expert just a guess
Yes. I would say Dark Brahma. The gender would be hard to tell at this age, but knowing that it is a freebie from Murray Mcmurray I would say probably a rooster. It seems mostly that way when they send a free one.