Help Identifying Trail Cam Picture

If you live outside of Ithaca you are in the middle of prime bobcat area.(I used to live in Dryden and my youngest daughter lives in Genoa--have seen tracks in both places but never the cats.) Just because you don't see them that doesn't mean they aren't there. And yes, it is a bob cat--not an especially big one but hard to judge sizes in these photos.
Looks like its a mountain lion maybe .
I just don't see it. Judging by that tiny shrub next to the animal, it doesn't seem large enough to be a bobcat, especially a northern subspecies...and the way the hair lays is all wrong. It is much more bristled, and seems too long and stiff to be a bobcat coat. Bobcats have shorter, softer bristled coats than the animal in the picture appears to have, and the small almost striped appearance where the base of the tail on that picture would be is something that is also more indicative of a fox or even a domestic cat than a bobcat.



On top of that, the tail appears to be serving the purpose of a counter balance...and isn't high enough for a bobcat...without a better shot of the animal, I don't feel comfortable positively identifying it as a bobcat, but I am definately leaning more towards fox or domestic feline.

(edit-please excuse poor fat Hoover, he is old). One poster stated that it is too plump to be a fox, but trust me, foxes can get very plump.
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Wild boar.

I think the coat looks more like the fisher cat than anything else, also the way it is standing/turning.
More pics please! Yeah the boards are back!!

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