help ID'ing this chick and gender if possible?


9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
We got this chick about a week and a half ago, when we got all the chicks they were all about the same size. The 3 yellows started to grow very quickly. The others were RIR and BR chicks. The big yellow chicks also seem to lumber when they walk and plop down every chance they get, sometimes scooting around while sitting. They have a very good appetite. We asked what they were and were only told that they were "fryers". And that they would be ready for the pot in 6-8 wks. When I was told they were good for eating I thought they would still be good for eggs, dual purpose. When we returned we asked if these were cornish x chicks and were told no. Can someone please help with the ID and maybe gender. I am concerned that they maybe cornish x chicks which if they are I wouldn't have bought them cause I want egg layers. Here are some photos. Thank you in advance.




Comparison both are the same age
They are broilers. The big one will be full grown when it is like 8 weeks old. He is a He

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Yes, those are Cornish cross or at least something very similar. They don't lay well, and it seems to be a real pain to even get them to the age of laying...they tend to start dying of heart failure if they go much past 8-12 weeks old.
I want to thank everyone for their response. It is what I suspected, oh well! Yes, we've become a little attached cause they're babies and actually are sweet chicks. Thanks for the welcome also.
I've heard that if you restrict their feed or put them on a special diet they can live for some time. Don't know if you want to put that much effort into a rooster though.

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