HELP If you keep Peacocks..I NEED HELP! Mine hasn't eaten in 7 days!

Oh, I love Charlie updates. I am so glad he is eating. You are a wonderful guy to try to do so much for him.
I sure hope the thing with the peahen goes through.

When she "culls" her flock, does that mean she sells off the excess, or just downs them? Goodness, I have seen auctions where peahens or peacocks seem to go for way more than I can afford. I would love to have a few, someday...when i live in the country.
Good luck and keep us informed.

5 bucks for a small amount you would probably not even use doesn't sound bad to me even if it is a huge mark up. If you had a herd of cows, you would buy the stuff retail of course. I'm sure if you wanted to buy a 1000ml bottle from the vet, the markup wont be as steep either. Especially if this is some stuff they do not normally use and would have to put out the capital to buy a whole bottle of it.
Great to hear that Charlie is finally eating!! Woohoo!! That is awsome! Hope you get the Pea hen, I am sure Charlie will be nuts for her!!
My peacocks at the peanuts shell and all the previous owner fed them that way I was worried about opening them also but they ate them whole glad to see he is eating now yeah!
I'm glad to see him eating out of his pan too. I know that the is getting a good balanced diet that wa and then I can give him treats when ever I see him (which is everyday ...of course

He is losing his train. It seems to be a bit early for that. I figured that the damaged feathers from being in the live trap would get further broken off, but there seem to be allot more than that. I figured he would lose his train in about a month.

I don't know that that is anything to worry about, especially since he has gone through allot getting trapped and then moved and now a new place. even though I have made it as comfortable as I can, I know it will take time for him to truly settle in. In general, he doesn't seem to be bothered by much...even the riding lawnmower going right next to his pen...he just watches it go by. I am glad that he is that calm.

I am so hoping that I hear something from these people about the peahen. I have had the worst time getting a hold of them. The birds are on the grandmother's farm and I don't know her...I know the son, but I have been unable to reach him. I have been in contact with his step-daughter, but she has old numbers for him. For a small town, it amazes me that it is so hard to get a hold of someone.

I just don't want to miss out on this chance because I know they WILL "corral" the flock and then cull what they don't want...usually females. I just don't want to hear about it after the fact and then hear that "they couldn't get a hold of me".

I have even looked into having one shipped here, but I have found that breeders don't seem to sell their females or at least I haven't found any listed for sale. Of course that is expensive and if I can get the one from this local place...that is FREE...a good price!!!!

I am hoping for this weekend...we will see. I AM holding my breath...I might be blue soon, but if it gets me a peahen, it will be worth it.

I ordered 4 White peafowl hatching eggs since none of my India Blue eggs hatched. I am going to try this again, but be more careful. With the experience of the last group and the last hatches of the turkeys and chicks, I am learning. I just don't want to make a mistake on $72.50 worth of eggs.

In any case, progress is being made...learning is occurring. That is what life is about.

Till next time, have fun,
"...even the riding lawnmower going right next to his pen...he just watches it go by."

Nothing brings my peafowl out to the lawn faster than when they hear the lawnmower going! They love poking around the freshly mowed areas, even to the point of getting in the way as I come by for another pass.
They also seem fascinated with the chainsaw and log splitter.
I just found out that they culled the peafowl flock yesterday and saved me a MALE!!! I needed a FEMALE. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. Now I need to try to find either someone else that has a flock around here or order a peahen and have it shipped.

I am just sick about this. I don't understand how that could have happened.

Thought I would share.
What is WRONG with people!!!!! Obviously, they didn't pay attention to anything you said! I'm so sorry. Could you take the male as a companion anyway? I don't know anything about peacocks so I don't know if two males would get along or not, do you? Anyway, I hope you can resolve your dilemma soon. :aww

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