Help! I'm looking for a dog breed that....

I love Papillons. They are energetic but have a very low prey drive and are known for getting along well with cats. They are floofy too.
They are quite small though, maybe smaller than you're looking for.
I want a Pap so bad!! They’re amazing little dogs!!! Or a Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are supposedly just like little mini Goldens, very very sweet and similar temperaments, but unfortunately a lot of health problems with Cavs.
We got shelter dogs when I was a kid and they were the sweetest except for one. It turned out to be a doberman / japanese akida mix or something like that, a STRONG very high strung dog. He walked you and stopped only when he wanted to kind of thing. He was about a yr old when he developed some sort of genetic neurological condition and had to be put down. Our purebred boxer lived to be 11yrs old but also died suddenly from a different genetic inheritance.

The thing about buying a purebreed is that you can be relatively sure what you will get, what size and energy level and coat and temperament etc. Plus it's easier to find puppies and can be trained. The downside is that you pay more. If someone doesn't have the ability to commit to a large high energy dog then why not get a specific breed that will be a better fit. That seems better to me than the opposite. Nothing wrong with buying purebreed or getting a shelter dog as long as they are a good fit for the new owner.
:goodpost:When looking at a shelter OR breeder THE BIGGEST THING IS CHOSING CAREFULLY AND EDUCATED! Somethimes when you see your dog, youll know, but still examine
I want a Pap so bad!! They’re amazing little dogs!!! Or a Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are supposedly just like little mini Goldens, very very sweet and similar temperaments, but unfortunately a lot of health problems with Cavs.
omg I've always, always always wanted a Cavalier. I have a breeder in mind for if/when we ever decide to get another dog. But one big problem is the spaniels are bird dogs!!

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