Help!! I'm overloaded with eggs!!

I thought I was up to my eyes in eggs.......but I only get four a day!!! LOL....I'll be getting lots more soon, I have really young hens. Anyway, have you tried freezing them? You can scramble them and put them in the freezer. A nice idea for anyone who likes to bake and the receipe calls for two eggs ( or whatever amount)...I keep mine in containers marked with the exact amount of eggs inside. Need two? pop them right out of the freezer. So, if you follow this advice, you will not only have a refrigerator full of eggs, but a freezer full of eggs! LOL! Good luck. Post your Eggs For Sale sign at the public Library or any other community boards in your area!!!!! Maybe hold a Free Eggs day just to attract buyers?
price depends on where you live. when I was in MD the FM had them at $5dz, here they are less. Your area also depends on weather you can sell them for more or less then the store eggs. More if people value fresh homegrown eggs and supporting local, less if they are looking for a bargain and don't care about the other things.

lots of baked goods can also be frozen. But of course if you did that all the time you would run out of freezer space....

or to donate here is one place to check:
One thing I didn't see listed in the whole thread.....EGG NOODLES!!!
I have 18 Buff Orpingtons that just started laying this month. They are only 6 mo old. I am now getting 7-10 eggs a day.
My Egg noodle recipe calls for 10 eggs. Once they are made & dried, they store well but my noodle never get the chance to
Nothing like a fresh chicken soup with fresh egg noodles Much better than anything store bought.
I get 5-6 a day from my first year girls. The Red Stars supposedly lay through winter but not my Easter Eggers so I don't know how many I will have in the next few months. None have gone into molt but it's not time for that yet. I sell my 18 packs to friends for $2/pack. I know I'm not selling them for enough. $3 would be better for me but they are my friends! If it was to anyone else I'd be selling 18 packs for $4. A dozen brown eggs at grocery is $3.49 right now. Just for brown eggs. Store bought eggs pretty much taste the same. Backyard hens have a richer flavor than store bought brown. So technically by buying extra off people you know, you actually get better eggs than the store. So that would be a good selling point for an ad. Don't tell just anyone about it though. You don't want to have more customers than you can handle for your # of eggs. Only 2 people I know buy eggs from me. Everyone else just knows I have chickens.

I'd go to the grocery store and look at the prices there and sell for less than that. Since you are over run with eggs, it won't hurt to drop the price down some. Ask at church, donate some (I've done that a few times).
I keep meaning to sell my eggs, but I haven't gotten around to it. Seems like there is always a few dozen in the frig. When there is more My darling takes them to work or I do. Somebody is always happy to get them.

When I see family I load them up. Oh, baking is fun too.

It is fun to have something to give away. Wish I had more to share.
Check Craig's List. In my area,it's $3.50 a dozen. I live the egg noodle idea! Noodles freeze well, too. I have a pasta maker so when I start getting an abundance of eggs I'll be making whole wheat egg noodles. And lemon curd, since I have a lemon tree. I really love homemade mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce. Meringue pies are nice, too. Pound cakes.
I have twenty Pullets, most are getting ready to lay, except for two production reds that are only 6-7 weeks old. So, I should have eggs coming out my ears soon. I just started lights a couple of weeks ago. All my girls are really red in the face except for the seven EEs. Even the EEs are starting to get red. The Egyptians, Silver leghorns, Buttercups and Hamburgs look like they are really close. They are one month younger than the OEGBs and the OEGBs started laying three weeks ago.
I'm getting around 6 or 7 eggs a day.My wife does child care so she makes a big batch usually once a week.They love them.I usually give a doz to my Mom once a week and a sister in-law once a week.I don't charge because I love my chickens and they have been a blessing.I pay for their feed and necessities out of my money.I sometimes have extras that I share with whoever gets lucky.The idea of eating a home grown egg that has no chemicals in them and have a wonderful flavor is great.A good home grown egg tastes Great.I even eat them for supper sometimes.
I agree. I live in Pt. Townsend, WA, the "green" capital of the pacific NW. We have a LARGE organic co-op grocery here, as well as a great farmers market during the growing season. Paying over $5/dz for organic, cage free eggs is not out of the ordinary, even in Safeway. And, of course, they are worth every penny!

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