HELP! Injured Quail! First aid?!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 30, 2014
Hello! I'm sorry this is the way I make an appearance in the quail forums! I was out and I left my quails in their cage and the hens out to free range however they tend to be bullies and my quail managed to get out of her caged and got attacked! she has some bald spots (I have applied methylene blue to that),an injured beak,but she seems to be breathing fine just seems agitated and her eyes are completely closed,I don't see any part where she could be loosing blood but her eyes won't open and I'm afraid the hens and rooster pecked them out.She is kept right now inside the house were it's warm and she is taking fluids but please let me know what I can do to help her I'm very worried and feeling oh so guilty!
Thank you! sadly she died a few minutes ago in my hands
her beak was too injured and she seemed to be having lots of trouble breathing,she gave up a good fight.We are so sad...Thanks so much for the link anyways I will be checking it out in case another emergency happens or just to be ready! I'm a sucker for holistic remedies for my feathery friends!

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