HELP! Introducing hens to hens.


May 14, 2015
So yesterday I brought home 4 new hens (all about 1-2 years of age) to introduce to my 6 hens I already had (also about 1-2 years of age). I did a lot of research and tried to block off an area for them to see but not touch. Well that didn't work, apparently I'm not a construction worker, haha. Anyways this mis-hap turned into a full on fight with blood. I quarantined the hen with blood and have been watching her closely, she is fine. So I went onto plan #2... Introducing them at night in the dark. My previous hens were all roosting and couldn't have cared less that these 4 new hens were in their coop. But this morning when I went to check on them there was more fighting. I know there is a pecking order but this is serious fighting. I am worried the new hens are going to kill my previous hens that I am really attached to. When I introduced all of my Previous chickens I did not have troubles like this there was definitely a pecking order that they figured out but not crazy fighting like this. So my question is... Is there any hope that I can introduce them or should I just get rid of the new ones and be done with it? I need answers ASAP!
Having them penned next to each other is really the best way, especially if other ways have not worked. If you are able, you could try free ranging them together, offering treats when you turn them loose, and being sure there are hiding places available.
Free Ranging is not an option for me :( I am going to try to make a more sturdy see separation and try that for 1-2 weeks. Do you think they will ever get along though with the level of fighting. I just have never experienced this bad of fighting before. If they won't ever get along I can definitely rehome them, but would like to do it before I get too attached.
As one non construction worker to another, I can recommend a wire dog kennel for the new birds. When we introduce new birds they get a roost, a water and feeder in the kennel. I will also add mulch or straw to the bottom to make it easier on their feet.

It is a little tight for 3 days - 1 week but the fighting is a minimum once they are released to the bigger coop.

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