HELP! Lethargic chicken, feathers missing, not eating


May 5, 2021
SW Montana
Hi everyone, I have had chickens for 1 year 2 months and this is my first real sickness so I am a newbie. Thank you in advance!

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)

Ginny is 1 year 2 months old, Rhode Island Red. She is smaller than my other birds but she feels as if she is her normal weight and has not lost weight.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

Ginny has been lethargic in the run. Laying down all day, seeming sleepy. She is still going and roosting at night. I did a thorough check today and she is missing a lot of feathers on her breast and near her vent. She has not laid in 2 days (today is day 3) which is very unusual for her. She is usually daily with one day off every 7-10 days.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?

2 days or so is what I have noticed.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

All other birds look and are behaving normally.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

Missing feathers (photos below). Skin does not seem too irritated.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.

Two things have changed: weather turned a little hotter than we have had, and last weekend we integrated our 2 new pullets as well as pigeons. All birds integrated were quarantined for 1 month or longer. Pigeons are keeping up high away from the chickens. Ginny was one of the biggest bullies of the pullets when we integrated.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.

I have witnessed her drink water. I have not seen her eat but I just separated her so I should know soon. Her crop is soft, felt liquidy.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.

Normal. A little liquidy but I’m sure she is drinking more due to the heat.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

First- I checked for egg bound via gloved finger and lube. I did not feel an egg.
Second- gave a 15 min epsom salt warm soak. Checked clean feet for bumblefoot (no signs)
Third- gave syringe with crushed tums mixed with water. About half a Tum.
Fourth- she is quarantined in a crate in our garage. Cool and dark, her own water and food.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?

I can take her to a vet if needed but not until most are open on Monday, so self treatment would be best.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

Photos and descriptions below!

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
We have a large enclosed run and coop.

Pine shavings are used in the coop, wood chips in the run.

Additional thoughts
-I checked for mites, bugs etc and saw no signs
-her comb is red and still looks healthu
-tail is up
-she had a bald patch up high on her breast, near her neck. Bonnie has the same bald patch so I have been working on the assumption that I have an over aggressive groomer (Rosie)
-Ginny has always had an unclean ass area, poop sticks to it
- skin where the feathers are missing looks not irritated
- I feed all flock feed with oyster on the side and their own eggshells crushed up. Treats are every couple of days, blueberries bananas and greens. On top of that treat they get a handful of mealworms every 5-7 days or so. It’s not many for 7 birds.

My next thought was maybe plucking and eating feathers due to low protein?


After bath with wet feathers:

Vent area:





Update: Ginny made it through the night but has not improved. I removed her food and water overnight to see if her crop emptied. It did empty, and I do not smell anything indicating sour crop like I suspected. Her poops are very small and watery, and slightly green in color which I am reading indicates lack of nutrition. And she is not eating much at all. A small nibble on scrambled egg here and there.

I’m at a loss on what to do next, does anyone have any ideas??
I am going to proceed with treating for mites once our feed store opens because I have no other ideas. I looked at the feathers left around her vent closely and I just can’t tell. There’s specks at the base but I didn’t see anything moving? And her skin is very normal looking, clean and not irritated or red where the feathers are missing.

Is anyone out there?
That pattern of baldness on the breast is typical of a broody hen. Is she inclined to cluck softly under her breath and fluff up and scream suddenly out of the blue? Is she inclined to linger in the nest for long periods?
Ginny has been lethargic in the run. Laying down all day, seeming sleepy. She is still going and roosting at night. I did a thorough check today and she is missing a lot of feathers on her breast and near her vent. She has not laid in 2 days

I have witnessed her drink water. I have not seen her eat but I just separated her so I should know soon. Her crop is soft, felt liquidy.
I'd get some Calcium into her. 1 Calcium Citrate tablet daily. She's not laid eggs in a couple of days, so may be struggling with a soft shelled egg.

Drinking a lot and crop that is squishy, could be an indication that her crop is not emptying. Confirm that by checking her crop first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink. If it's not emptying, then begin treatment (link below).

If she's not getting picked on, can move about, eat/drink on her own, then I'd put her back with her flock and just let her hang out. Check her on her throughout the day.
That pattern of baldness on the breast is typical of a broody hen. Is she inclined to cluck softly under her breath and fluff up and scream suddenly out of the blue? Is she inclined to linger in the nest for long periods?
No, no indications of being broody. She is one to lay the egg quickly and then just exit the nest.
I'd get some Calcium into her. 1 Calcium Citrate tablet daily. She's not laid eggs in a couple of days, so may be struggling with a soft shelled egg.

Drinking a lot and crop that is squishy, could be an indication that her crop is not emptying. Confirm that by checking her crop first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink. If it's not emptying, then begin treatment (link below).

If she's not getting picked on, can move about, eat/drink on her own, then I'd put her back with her flock and just let her hang out. Check her on her throughout the day.
Thank you, I did check for crop issues by removing her food and drink from the crate overnight last night and checked her crop in the morning. It did empty overnight and I have been smelling her beak and neck area and have not smelled the sourkraut type smell.

I will start on the calcium citrate tablets. Is there a particular dose/size of tablet? I’ll need to go purchase them.

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