Help!! Marek's Disease??

Well my hen is still alive, it was a beautiful day today so i brought her out in the sun, i have to say she just wont give up she tries so hard to stand i actually saw her jump today but she still has no controll of her feet, one of her eyelids is closed shut and the other looks normal she has been eating but seems like she is not drinking much, not sure what to do with her i have tried everything i know of besides the st. Johns wort from the thread i saw.
No, this one (It must have not sent.):

Despite what you may have heard, there IS a cure for Marek's Disease. It is a homeopathic remedy called "Hypericum." Hypericum is a small creeping herb that, when used hollistically, numbs nerves and dulls pain. When given to a bird suffering from the symptoms of Marek's Disease, it will cure the bird by working on the theory that "like cures like," in other words, by giving the bird the symptoms it will take the symptoms away. I've used this herb with great success to fully cure birds of Marek's Disease. You can fnd Hypericum at health food stores, $8 for 100 tablets. Hypericum must be diluted before it can be used:

- 1 tablespoon of DISTILLED water per tablet Hypericum (must be distilled water, tap water is ionized and will deactivate the Hypericum)
- MUST be mixed in a GLASS or PLASTIC bowl (metal with react with the water and herb)
- drip 5-10 drops (bantam) or 10-15 drops (large fowl) on the afflicted bird's tongue. Be sure the bird rubs its beak together because the Hypericum MUST touch the sinuses (located on the roof of the mouth) in order to work
- treat every 12 hours (morning and night) with a fresh batch
- recovery may be as quick as 1 day or as slow as several months

The treatment works best if you begin treating early. If you delay treatment, the Hypericum may not work or it may be a very slow recovery. IF YOU OVERDOSE YOUR BIRDS ON HYPERICUM, don't worry. The bird will exhibit extreme symptoms, and make a drastic improvment within a 24 hours. Hypericum is also helpful for pain. Only treat birds that are showing symptoms.


Check your flock history. Marek's Disease affects birds as early as 6 months of age. Symtoms occur most commonly between 6-8 months of age; however, any age bird can become sick, it just becomes less common with age. The incubation period is 2 weeks.

SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: sudden death (fairly common), depression (common), gradual weight loss (fairly common), neck paralysis (not common), paleness (in conjunction with other symtoms), wing paralysis (common),leg paralysis (most common), star-gazing (fairly common), extreme sudden emaciation (rare), mishapen pupil (not common), gray iris (not common), crazy behavior (rare), unresponsive (common), internal tumor growth (not common), tumors on feather follicles (not common), fearful (not common)

(Written by MoodyChicken)
Ohh, It is? Sorry, I am not good with medications and such.
No, this one (It must have not sent.):

Despite what you may have heard, there IS a cure for Marek's Disease. It is a homeopathic remedy called "Hypericum." Hypericum is a small creeping herb that, when used hollistically, numbs nerves and dulls pain. When given to a bird suffering from the symptoms of Marek's Disease, it will cure the bird by working on the theory that "like cures like," in other words, by giving the bird the symptoms it will take the symptoms away. I've used this herb with great success to fully cure birds of Marek's Disease. You can fnd Hypericum at health food stores, $8 for 100 tablets. Hypericum must be diluted before it can be used:

- 1 tablespoon of DISTILLED water per tablet Hypericum (must be distilled water, tap water is ionized and will deactivate the Hypericum)
- MUST be mixed in a GLASS or PLASTIC bowl (metal with react with the water and herb)
- drip 5-10 drops (bantam) or 10-15 drops (large fowl) on the afflicted bird's tongue. Be sure the bird rubs its beak together because the Hypericum MUST touch the sinuses (located on the roof of the mouth) in order to work
- treat every 12 hours (morning and night) with a fresh batch
- recovery may be as quick as 1 day or as slow as several months

The treatment works best if you begin treating early. If you delay treatment, the Hypericum may not work or it may be a very slow recovery. IF YOU OVERDOSE YOUR BIRDS ON HYPERICUM, don't worry. The bird will exhibit extreme symptoms, and make a drastic improvment within a 24 hours. Hypericum is also helpful for pain. Only treat birds that are showing symptoms.


Check your flock history. Marek's Disease affects birds as early as 6 months of age. Symtoms occur most commonly between 6-8 months of age; however, any age bird can become sick, it just becomes less common with age. The incubation period is 2 weeks.

SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: sudden death (fairly common), depression (common), gradual weight loss (fairly common), neck paralysis (not common), paleness (in conjunction with other symtoms), wing paralysis (common),leg paralysis (most common), star-gazing (fairly common), extreme sudden emaciation (rare), mishapen pupil (not common), gray iris (not common), crazy behavior (rare), unresponsive (common), internal tumor growth (not common), tumors on feather follicles (not common), fearful (not common)

(Written by MoodyChicken)

I don't think this is right posting something that says "there is a cure for Marek's". It's not a cure. In fact the title of that thread was changed to delete the "Marek's" part.

I would like to see just 1person with laboratory proof that their Marek's bird was cured with this. Otherwise it's all hearsay. False hope. Hopefully someone can show some valid legal proof of their Marek's bird being cured. There are just too many illnesses out there that "look" like Marek's , and they get better.
Ok I am brand new here and brand new to having chickens. I am not sure if this the right place to ask but I need help. I bought 5 chicks fromTSC and it was the last chicks that they had so they asked if I could take 2 for free that they had separated from the others. I of course not knowing any better took them. They gave me electrolytes and probiotics and said to make sure to keep the chicks separate from the others and give the electrolytes and probiotics according to the package directions. I am now at home and the 2 "sick" chicks look different from the others. All are supposedly tetra tints but the sick ones have black beaks and feet and their feet appear to be clubbed, the toes are curled and they have a very hard time walking on them. I am so scared of what it could be and if my other chicks could be infected. I also have 6 chicks 3 weeks old and am scared. I have all the chicks together except forget the 2 sick little ones. Any advice is appreciated.
I had problems with maerks in the past and found that raising a turkey with my chickens took care of the problem.

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